To answer everyone:
Other than Raloth''s request for programming assistance, which belongs in one of the programming forums, all other threads I closed belonged in the help wanted forum. Could I have moved them? Yes. But I wanted everyone to get the point.
Obviously, the point has been made.
That being said, cowsarenotevil is correct. Insulting people who DONATE their FREE TIME to help manage, run, and otherwise maintain these forums and their integrity isn''t a good idea. One, it shows a complete lack of respect for the work that goes into the site, and two, it''s just plain rude. Do you insult your apartment manager (assuming you''re old enough to live on your own, and if not, replace "apartment manager" with "parents") when they tell you to stop leaving trash in the hallway? Trash attracts bugs - bugs in this case being trolls and other lesser forms of forum posters. We, the moderators, are currently dropping a bug-bomb on the forums, cleaning out the carcasses, and making sure that those who enjoy the forums and use them correctly have an enjoyable, informative, and above all friendly experience.
While one or two "I''m a programmer/designer/whatever and I can''t draw and I need an artist for my way-cool PONG clone" threads aren''t nearly as bad as some threads that have recently sprung up (and been closed) in other forums, they can be pretty annoying when they happen often and show up in the wrongs place - such as, say, the Visual Arts Forum. If there wasn''t a Help Wanted forum, this wouldn''t be an issue. However, there IS, believe it or not, a Help Wanted forum, and that''s the appropriate place to post such requests.
If you don''t like that, your choices are quite simple: suck it up or leave.
Arlid: That was uncalled for. It''s simply common courtesy to go directly to the person you''re having an issue with than airing dirty laundry to the whole forum. Most of the time, it''s also a much faster way to resolve unsavory situations, because when you start posting about people in such a public place, not only are you opening yourself (and GameDev.Net) up to legal action, you''re also increasing the chances of starting a flame war, unnecessarily offending someone, and coming off a two-year old who didn''t get the exact Go-Bot he wanted. This time, I''m simply going to say, "don''t do it again." However, should you choose to continue with your tone and continue to show no appreciation for the aforementioned work that goes into running this site and the forums, I''ll have no choice but to put you on probation, which will be swiftly followed by a ban should you then ignore your probation. Some may say this is harsh - I, and many other moderators, believe it is necessary to do ensure that, as I''ve said, the forums remain a place where everyone - from a 10yr-old aspiring game programmer/artists, to a seasoned game industry vet, of which there are a number who visit and post to these forums (keep that in mind while disrespecting an authority figure - even game developers have a chain of command tha must be followed) - and we will use what some may believe to be harsh measures to do this.
thedodger: Yes, there have been. This is, we (the moderators, not the "royal we") believe this is due to the bored, rather uncreative and most definitely immature kiddies (of all ages) being out of school. Once they''re back in, hopefully they''ll be too busy to continue degrading the quality of our forums. Should they continue to ignore the rules and the obvious (e.g. there''s no need to put it in the FAQ; it should be obvious to all that "help wanted" posts should go in the Help Wanted forum), the moderators will continue to put them on probation, ban them, and otherwise prevent them from doing so.
Anyone who has anything constructive to respond with, feel free to do so - your suggestions are always appreciated - as long as you don''t suggest to allow such posts. Otherwise, don''t bother, because your comments will be either ignored totally or disciplinary action may be taken against you on this message board should your post be of an offensive nature. Before anyone asks, yes, I decide what''s of an offensive nature in this forum. Fortunately, I have a pretty thick skin, but remember that you all have already been warned: try not to insult the mods, even if they deserve it. If they do, contact either that particular moderator or one of the site admins OFF OF THE FORUM.
Hopefully I''ve made myself clear.
-Nick "digisoap" Robalik
Web & Print Design, 2D & 3D Illustration and Animation, Game Design