
Post your latest bots!

Started by August 19, 2003 08:51 PM
30 comments, last by cowsarenotevil 20 years, 11 months ago
Here is a working version of HappyBot. Although it has a fully functional mapping system, it doesn't really use it yet... the pathfinding usually works, but will occasionally get him stuck. I recently finished the pathfinding and mapping, so as soon as I get around to it I can start using them properly and get into some fun strats, but for now it's just simple...

A warning for anyone running the bot, it generates a rather large log file (~3mb) in two files named log.html and log.js. It overwrites itself each time, so you don't have to worry about it slowly eating up your space, but in future versions I intend to set up a release flag which will disable logging... since this isn't implemented yet, you can see my debug window by pressing F4.

Edit: forgot to mention that I've got ESC set to close the entire program, and it also writes up some final stuff to the log file since currently the destructor doesn't work.

[edited by - HappyDude on August 22, 2003 11:28:58 PM]
Well, I'm ashamed to say that this is about as advanced as I can make my bot - first go at AI and everything...

xf00f-bot uses a very simple FSM as his "brain". He doesn't map, he doesn't strafe, he doesn't avoid grenades (this is a bad one!) - all he does is potter about, lock onto his quarry and shoot a lot.

He does have one or two little "quirks" that I'm sure you'll find out quickly enough though Enjoy...

[edited by - xf00f on August 23, 2003 1:40:06 PM]
ok now i can post my stOOPid Bot, hes really STOOOOPID , ive got my mapping and all this shit working and now iam working on the AI, so ive put some code into it and you can fight it...

some things to mention before i put a link here:
-eats approximate 50% of his allowed time, sometimes more than his limit,... i hate os timesharing!
-if you get a MSG-Box tell me what my bot is telling you (ive put 3msgboxes into him @ locations that should never be reached)
-hes provocating the enemy where it can
-doesnt use nades, tries to avoid them...
-if it crashes i would be glad to know it...
-has no debugoutput, doesnt save anything... sorry doodes, but my debug output is eating 500% of the allowed time

ok here we go:
have phun...

Oh man - that is one fine bot T2K! It''s just so natural the way he moves around. When you add the actual attacking/defensive code that bot is gonna own

You''ve inspired me to write a second bot with mapping and pathfinding. Never having coded a bot before (excluding the one above, which is but a shadow compared to the one you''ve released) I''m not expecting it to be easy, but it''s going to be one hell of a fun challenge. Wish me luck, and I look forward to seeing the final incarnation of T2K-bot....
wow, that is a very fine bot Tk2, it actually moves around the map like it owns the place, and I dont remember it getting stuck once, nice one
Fear LuckyBot!!! No really, fear the cheap tactics of LuckyBot.

I''m a beginner and I can code a bot that turns around in a circle until his opponent eventually wanders into view. Needless to say, with perfect aim and an endless stream of fire, my bot won against every bot I could pit him against.

Hexagon? Hexa-gone.
Bob? Pushing daisies!
xf00f? Well, we''re tied at 4-4 right now... its grenades seem to hurt us equally.
Moo3-5? Always tied because it can''t pathfind its way into my ambush.
HappyBot? It''s hard to say. I have to run it 10 times before it finds me, and even then its in the air.

Still, its very cheap that this bot can win at all. Maybe add something like starting with no weapons so that *some* pathfinding is needed, but this camping and shooting trick isn''t fair. Maybe make a rule against it?

Download LuckyBot here

"Let me just ejaculate some ideas"
"Let me just ejaculate some ideas"
quote: Original post by LuckyNewbie
Fear LuckyBot!!! No really, fear the cheap tactics of LuckyBot.

I''m a beginner and I can code a bot that turns around in a circle until his opponent eventually wanders into view. Needless to say, with perfect aim and an endless stream of fire, my bot won against every bot I could pit him against.

Hexagon? Hexa-gone.
Bob? Pushing daisies!
xf00f? Well, we''re tied at 4-4 right now... its grenades seem to hurt us equally.
Moo3-5? Always tied because it can''t pathfind its way into my ambush.
HappyBot? It''s hard to say. I have to run it 10 times before it finds me, and even then its in the air.

Still, its very cheap that this bot can win at all. Maybe add something like starting with no weapons so that *some* pathfinding is needed, but this camping and shooting trick isn''t fair. Maybe make a rule against it?

Download LuckyBot here

"Let me just ejaculate some ideas"

Heh, well, it''s a fairly legal tactic to run around in circles.. you didn''t win every time, so that says something. But this is the type of thing I wanted to find out for gameplay balancing. I consider it a positive you _can_ do this. It allows for more variety in bot tactics. Besides, if an opposing bot were programmed to recognize the pattern that his enemy was taking, I''m sure LuckyBot would have some competition.

Admin for

quote: Original post by LuckyNewbie
Fear LuckyBot!!! No really, fear the cheap tactics of LuckyBot.

I''m a beginner and I can code a bot that turns around in a circle until his opponent eventually wanders into view. Needless to say, with perfect aim and an endless stream of fire, my bot won against every bot I could pit him against.

Hexagon? Hexa-gone.
Bob? Pushing daisies!
xf00f? Well, we''re tied at 4-4 right now... its grenades seem to hurt us equally.
Moo3-5? Always tied because it can''t pathfind its way into my ambush.
HappyBot? It''s hard to say. I have to run it 10 times before it finds me, and even then its in the air.

Still, its very cheap that this bot can win at all. Maybe add something like starting with no weapons so that *some* pathfinding is needed, but this camping and shooting trick isn''t fair. Maybe make a rule against it?

Download LuckyBot here

Keep trying with cow, it''ll work eventually. Anyway, I have a bot (unfinished) similar to yours that I was planning on entering if all else failed... oh well.
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
quote: Original post by LuckyNewbie
Fear LuckyBot!!! No really, fear the cheap tactics of LuckyBot.

I'm a beginner and I can code a bot that turns around in a circle until his opponent eventually wanders into view. Needless to say, with perfect aim and an endless stream of fire, my bot won against every bot I could pit him against.

Hexagon? Hexa-gone.
Bob? Pushing daisies!
xf00f? Well, we're tied at 4-4 right now... its grenades seem to hurt us equally.
Moo3-5? Always tied because it can't pathfind its way into my ambush.
HappyBot? It's hard to say. I have to run it 10 times before it finds me, and even then its in the air.

Still, its very cheap that this bot can win at all. Maybe add something like starting with no weapons so that *some* pathfinding is needed, but this camping and shooting trick isn't fair. Maybe make a rule against it?

that's a good bot to test against. thanks for making it available.

my new version of Leftie has a simple tactic that helps it win against Lucky some of the time. if there's a rock between the two bots, Leftie starts throwing bombs as soon as it figures out that Lucky isn't moving. i've had several 80+ to 0 wins this way. i'm thinking about designing a bot that makes this type of tactic a high priority, since a lot of the bots seem to like fire fights.

also, if Leftie's health gets below a certain value, it will start to back peddle, which seems to cause Lucky to lose sight of Leftie some of the time, giving Leftie just enough extra bullet hits to win.

EDIT: usually spelling errors.

[edited by - flipper76108 on August 27, 2003 1:24:59 PM]
T2K, your dl is just an empty zip file. Please fix, for I would love to see what everyone else is raving about. And LuckyNewbie, you have a broken link. I''m trying to feel out my competition, but the 2 bots I can''t get seem to be the strongest ones.

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