
Delphi Opengl unit problem

Started by August 19, 2003 04:51 PM
2 comments, last by 3DForce 21 years, 6 months ago
I have problem following the nehe opengl tutorial i use delphi 6 update pack 2 and the function gluBuild2DMipmaps declaration in the Opengl unit is different from the one in the tutorials so i guess it is not complete so i used jedi opengl unit and i found the function matched but another error appear the unit did not have a declatation for the TGLArrayf4 at all so from where i can download a complete opengl unit to follow the tutorials thanks
You can download an OpenGL 1.2 unit from my site:

There''s also an OpenGL widget for VCL/CLX.
TGLArray4f is just a helper type.

TGLArray4f = array[0..3] of Single;

You can change it to anything equivalent. If you use the Math3D unit or other vector math unit, replace it with TVector4f.
Thanks "qingrui" it work

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