MMORPG ? for someone
quote: Original post by packerfan
Now my question is how hard is it to write something like this.
On a scale of 10... 9
Now when i'm asking, i don't want to run anything like Everquest, we're looking at Ultima Online type graphics and feel...and i know there's some emulators out there, but they don't really do what we need them to do, so i'm going to write one for us. How hard is it to do this, and what types of things would be used to handle all of the information?
The style of graphics used in UO is refered to as isometric ,you can find a forum on this board for that, as well as some very informative articles contributed by some nice people)
Another question we have if anyone knows this, is what types of files are used for the maps in a game like Ultima Online, and also graphics files...i know they're all stored locally on the users hard drive with the client, but i don't know how they're stored.
The UO file format is proprietary. There are some reference sites on the net for accessing the data in these files, and someone has written a "browser" to let you view these images.
Basically you take all of your image data and put it in one file, then you write an index file. When you want to access an image you read the index file and then open the image file seeking to a specific location. Alternately you could store both the index and image data in the same file.
And lastly, how hard is it to write a client for a game like this?
The client is about 40% of the total work (using an isometric engine on the client). The server would take the longest to design/code/test/debug.
Hope that has helped some,
Dave "Dak Lozar" Loeser
Edited by - Dak Lozar on June 27, 2000 3:11:46 PM
"Software Engineering is a race between the programmers, trying to make bigger and better fool-proof software, and the universe trying to make bigger fools. So far the Universe in winning."--anonymous
Good luck!
Good luck.
the only thing i lack is artwork. mmorpgs require MASSIVE amounts of artwork. that will be the only problem for me.
and by the way, it took me about 2 hours to write a isometric engine with collision detection. (but, i had done some squarebased engines before that i recycled some of the collision code from)
Edited by - gameprogrammerwiz on July 1, 2000 4:43:59 AM
whats a signature?
- DarkMage139
"Real game developers don't change the rules. Real game developers don't break the rules. Real game developers make the rules!"
"Originality (in games) is the spice of life!"
whats a signature?
A MMORPG is "just" an RPG with a client server model strapped in... I''m not trying to flame anyone, but I''m currently working on one, and they are VERY different beasts. You''ve the issues of what functionality the server will support, and what the client will support, and then you''ve the design of the server itself. Which is complicated by the simple requirement of "massive". I''ll give you a hint though, massive means more than about 20 people on a LAN. I wouldn''t call it massive until you''ve got thousands of simultaneous users.
Well you''ve got your bandwidth requires: huge. Then you want to make the server scalable right? Well that means making it so that you can cluster it across multiple machines. You might also want to use a database server to store your maps and user info since you''ll basically be writing one before you''re done, and this of course helps you make it so that the "server" doesn''t have to physically be just one machine, since you want to loadbalance the suckers so a crash isn''t catastrophic, and so you can take systems down for maintenance.
There are lots of issues to designing a high load server, and if you design it like you would be inclined to design a single player RPG, don''t expect it to work very well once you crank up the load to "massive" levels.
But hey, after all its just a "RPG with client/server code added in afterwards."
Excuse the sarcasm.