
Max RAM usage of a program.

Started by August 06, 2003 04:02 PM
1 comment, last by Krylloan 21 years, 1 month ago
Is there an easy way to find out the absolute maximum RAM usage of a program (Including stack, text, data, heap, everything)? Result in pages is ok, but I''d prefer it if it weren''t just a sampling every n msecs. Something similar to the time command? Sorry if this is simple, but I had a brief look on google to no avail. I need it to aid a proof on a post where I was called names. Thanks Simon
quote: Original post by Krylloan
Is there an easy way to find out the absolute maximum RAM usage of a program (Including stack, text, data, heap, everything)?
You can never find the maximum RAM a program can use - it''s dependent on what data it has opened/loaded. What you CAN determine is how much is being used at any one instance, and perhaps track that over a period of time.

Have you tried ps?

quote: I need it to aid a proof on a post where I was called names.
Arguing on the Internet is... well, you know.
Sorry, I meant the largest amount of RAM used by a single execution from start to finish. Or basically the largest number of pages committed at any given time during the process' lifetime.

Maybe it can't be done easily. (It might only be possible by trapping OS calls to commit/decommit pages).

The reason why tracking it over a period of time won't work is that the program I'm trying to measure executes in about 10ms.

I haven't yet tries ps. I'll just boot to linux and have a look now.
edit: ps isn't what I'm after.

[edited by - Krylloan on August 6, 2003 10:48:45 PM]

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