
Question about AVI's

Started by June 23, 2000 06:00 PM
3 comments, last by Zach Meyer 24 years, 6 months ago
I have an animation that I turned into an .AVI of a Rocket taking off, the problem is when I run the .AVI, the rocket takes off way faster than the animation is supposed to. Is there any way to fix this, I know its prolly simple, but im still new at this. Im using the 3d Modeler/Animator called Anim8or. Thanks Edited by - Zach Meyer on 6/23/00 6:11:22 PM
You can use GetTickCount() to slow down your animation


void Delay(DWORD milisecs){  DWORD start = GetTickCount();  while (GetTickCount()-start <= milisecs); /* Do Nothing */}

now in your program in between each frame you can do something like this...


which in turn waits for half a second in between each frame...
I Would but im just putting together a sample video of the game using some of the objects in the game,this video wont be in the game..
Exactly... That''s why it''s safe to use that.. Otherwise there''s a possibility of slowing down your game if you wait a lot in the game loop... anyways.. use it..
But its not in the game, its just a plain .AVI file, having nothing to do with the game. All it is is an .AVI file that shows what the game is going to have, it isnt going to be in the game, Im just looking for a way to slow the .AVI down a little bit.

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