Well as i said Lightwave has the best modeler, polygon modeler that is.
Infact i have seen many cases where people make the geometry in lightwave and then finish the rest in whatever other program they may have.
I am currently writing a LWO loader, it has support for v5.0 LWOB, v5.0 LWLO and LWO2(though it''s a bit buggy).
O, if your thinking about using blender i have only one word to say, DON''T!
There is a reason it''s free.
how can I 3D-modeling...
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Really thank for everybody who answer me. well, I just downloaded MilkShape and also Nehe tuts Lesson31 loader for *.MS3D. (it was hard to unserstand all the sorce code.)
by the way, I realized Milkshape can export ASCII file(text file contains vertics.trangle,,etc). if anybody has a way to use MilkShape 3D ASCII files,, please reply me.
by the way, I realized Milkshape can export ASCII file(text file contains vertics.trangle,,etc). if anybody has a way to use MilkShape 3D ASCII files,, please reply me.
Hey, I just want to make sure you fully understand the way models work.
Models are rendered the same way anything else is rendered - as polygons through glBegin/glEnd. However, it is highly inefficient to hard-code the data into the program using a bunch of glVertex calls, for more obvious reasons than one (if it is even humanly possible, it would make the code huge). So people use 3d Modelling programs to design what those coordinates should be, and then the programs write those coordinates to a file.
The ASCII format, when you get down to it, functions no different than the MS3D format does. The difference is that 1, the ASCII format is easily readable for you, making it easy to write a loader for, but as a result bigger. 2, the ASCII format is probably restricted to the basic requirements of the 3d model.
I can remember being new to OpenGL and thinking that models were magical things that ought to be rendered like triangles are. I wanted a glBegin( GL_MESH ) to handle it for me. That simply isn''t so. Models are data like anything else, merely seperated from the program, and loaded into data structures for easy access.
Here is the trick - for you, if you can''t write a loader for the ASCII format on your own (and I doubt there will be one already out there), you are better off learning the MS3D format from one of the many many tutorials. It can be complex, yes, but if you take your time and really try to understand it, you can learn it.
Good Luck.
Models are rendered the same way anything else is rendered - as polygons through glBegin/glEnd. However, it is highly inefficient to hard-code the data into the program using a bunch of glVertex calls, for more obvious reasons than one (if it is even humanly possible, it would make the code huge). So people use 3d Modelling programs to design what those coordinates should be, and then the programs write those coordinates to a file.
The ASCII format, when you get down to it, functions no different than the MS3D format does. The difference is that 1, the ASCII format is easily readable for you, making it easy to write a loader for, but as a result bigger. 2, the ASCII format is probably restricted to the basic requirements of the 3d model.
I can remember being new to OpenGL and thinking that models were magical things that ought to be rendered like triangles are. I wanted a glBegin( GL_MESH ) to handle it for me. That simply isn''t so. Models are data like anything else, merely seperated from the program, and loaded into data structures for easy access.
Here is the trick - for you, if you can''t write a loader for the ASCII format on your own (and I doubt there will be one already out there), you are better off learning the MS3D format from one of the many many tutorials. It can be complex, yes, but if you take your time and really try to understand it, you can learn it.
Good Luck.
Rainmaker, appreciate for your reply really helpful to me. Ive learned only the way to load Text file. so I ask that question. wanyway,,I wil try. thanks..
Loading a binary file (like ms3d) is actually simpler than loading a text file, as long as you know the way data is organised inside.
For loading text I use:
fgets (line, 100, file );
sscanf ( line, "%i", &model->numFace );
And for loading a binary value:
fread( &model->numFace , sizeof(short int), 1, file );
look around the net for ms3d loaders, there are a few lying around. Once the data is loaded you render it with GlBegin / GlEnd calls as usual.
For loading text I use:
fgets (line, 100, file );
sscanf ( line, "%i", &model->numFace );
And for loading a binary value:
fread( &model->numFace , sizeof(short int), 1, file );
look around the net for ms3d loaders, there are a few lying around. Once the data is loaded you render it with GlBegin / GlEnd calls as usual.
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