how can I 3D-modeling...
I`ve started Opengl about 3 months, well,I just want to know about 3D-Modeling.I downloaded lots of Nehe Projects,like Dolphin, Ship,,etc.. How can they render things like ship or cars with startling reality?? only they use glBegin() and glEnd()?? if they do isnt it so hard to do???? anyway. annybody who know the answer,,please reply me...thank you for reading and sorry fot my so sloppy english.
They use modelling programs like 3ds Max, Milkshape, blender and probably hundreds of other modellers out there.
3dsMax and other expensive modellers(Maya,etc..) are also used to create cgi, special effects for hollywood movies.They have many advanced features which are usually not required for models to be used ingame.
I have heard that Milkshape which costs about 20 US$ is an excellent modeller for game models.
If all you want is a modeller which can model models for your games, you can get a cheap modeller like MilkShape.
3dsMax and other expensive modellers(Maya,etc..) are also used to create cgi, special effects for hollywood movies.They have many advanced features which are usually not required for models to be used ingame.
I have heard that Milkshape which costs about 20 US$ is an excellent modeller for game models.
If all you want is a modeller which can model models for your games, you can get a cheap modeller like MilkShape.
Yeah, I use Milkshape, it''s very easy to learn, and it exports to a huge number of formats + it''s easy to write your own exporter/importer if you need to. Check out the site at, there''s also a tutorial on loading .ms3d files at Milkshape currently cost 25$ or 25€.
For a totally free modelling prog, try Blender, I don''t use it myself, mostly because the interface is very cluttered IMO. I mention it because of all the praise I''ve heard from users I thought it was worth to list.
For a totally free modelling prog, try Blender, I don''t use it myself, mostly because the interface is very cluttered IMO. I mention it because of all the praise I''ve heard from users I thought it was worth to list.
I''ve noticed that hardly anybody talks about Lightwave when mentioning 3D modelling / animating packages. Why is this? I mean, many would say its the finest available (yes, even better than 3ds max).
I use it, and it''s one of the best ones out there.
It''s the best modeler, but erlier versions lacked a little when it comes to texturing with uv maps and when it comes to animation, thus Max and Maya have become the 3d packages of choice.
But all those flaws are mostly fixed now so that will all change.
Just ask id software, they use lightwave for all teir modelling needs.
The only bad thing with lightwave is that it''s hard as hell to write a loader since their byte order is reversed.
It''s the best modeler, but erlier versions lacked a little when it comes to texturing with uv maps and when it comes to animation, thus Max and Maya have become the 3d packages of choice.
But all those flaws are mostly fixed now so that will all change.
Just ask id software, they use lightwave for all teir modelling needs.
The only bad thing with lightwave is that it''s hard as hell to write a loader since their byte order is reversed. | | | glAux fix for lesson 6 | [twitter]thegeekstate[/twitter]
Light wave sucked back when I first got started in 3d art. So I avoid it like the plauge.
As for a free one you may one to check out blender. Ive seen impressive stuff done in it.
As for a free one you may one to check out blender. Ive seen impressive stuff done in it.
I''ve used the older versions compared to the newer ones ... the newest version (the one i have - there may be newer) 7.0 is da bomb.
but like lc_overlord said, its a pain the ass to write a loader. i tryed and gave up
if anyone has a way to use lwo and/or lws files please write me @, I would be interested to see it.
But for now i have been using milkshape, and well worth every penny so far. I was actually considering writing my own editor lol
but like lc_overlord said, its a pain the ass to write a loader. i tryed and gave up

But for now i have been using milkshape, and well worth every penny so far. I was actually considering writing my own editor lol
-"watch out for the flying bullets!"-"Its not the birds but the bees that I'm worried about"
July 26, 2003 09:29 PM
I''ve written a loader for .lwo files... the LWO2 version, to be precise.. im not sure if theres a more recent one than that. It only supports the vertex, polygon, UV map and morph target chunks so far, but it does the job...
Wings is my favorite modeler... and it''s free.
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
I really dislike lightwave.. the interface is just dumb. Plus extruding doesn''t even work right(when I extrude a face on a box, I expect the normals to be pointing OUTWARD), and the camera control isn''t for me. Plus the renderer is horribly slow. In short, it was tried, deleted, and forgotten on my system. Don''t get me wrong though, I''ve been using 3ds Max for 3-4 years and Maya looks like it has good potential(but WHY is the interface so ugly???) but I don''t see a reason to use it yet. All of the game companies seem to release plugins first/and work best for Max, with Maya not far behind.
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