
DirectX for exclusive Fullscreenmode does not work

Started by July 25, 2003 03:06 AM
16 comments, last by SGrottel 21 years, 7 months ago
Hey, I''m using DirectX to switch to an exclusive Fullscreenmode and after this i''m starting OpenGL to do the work. Now for my Problem: If I try to switch the Displaymode on the fly, I get the Error DDERR_UNSUPPORTED when calling SetDisplayMode. What''s the Problem?
Ehr... I guess DirectX won''t let OpenGL access the hardware?
DDERR sounds like Direct Draw Error. Since you used DirectX to switch to an exclusive fullscreen mode, the screen is now exclusively reserved (for DirectX).

You should try to use Win32 to switch to fullscreen mode instead.
How do I set my laser printer on stun?
I didn''t know that was possible? In fact, I do not think it is possible. Have you actually gotten it to work?

Michael Bartman
CEO, Lead Programmer
Dark Omen Studios
Michael BartmanCEO, Lead ProgrammerDark Omen Studios
Im surprised you can get DirectX and OpenGL to work in harmony, particularly if youre using an exlusive cooperative level... perhaps that has something to do with it?
If you don''t like working with Win32 directly, you could always try to use glut. This should make things easier, if you don''t need the extra controll offered by Win32.

Otherwise, take a look at the ''ChangeDisplaySettings'' function.
How do I set my laser printer on stun?
Well, DirectX and OpenGL indeet work together in harmony!
Use DirectX to create an exclusive Fullscreen, create a Windows-Window and give it''s Handle to OpenGL. It all work''s fine, as long as You don''t try to change your Display-Resolution on the fly on an ATI-Graphics-Card.
Is there any advantage in using DirectX to create a fullscreen window over Win32 or glut?
So far I can only see that it creates some incompatibilities.
How do I set my laser printer on stun?
My guess is that SetDisplayMode works fine the first time because there is no OpenGL in place yet... as soon as you try to call it again WITH OpenGL messing around, it spits the dummy...
The Funny thing is: I''m am completely destroying all my OpenGLElements before calling DirectX-Functions again.

Is there another way to get an exclusive Fullscreen mode NOT using GLUT!
Yep, I already mentioned that though: Win32.
How do I set my laser printer on stun?

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