
GPL in games?

Started by July 24, 2003 07:06 PM
1 comment, last by tuxx 21 years, 6 months ago
I know a little bit about the GPL, and I''ve read it over a few times. But I don''t know how this could apply to games, so I have a few questions: 1. If I had a shareware game where you download the game and pay for it (if you so choose), would I have to include the source code with the demo? Could that source code be one of the features that you would "unlock" by paying for the game? 2. If I sold a software program (say a database program), would I have to let the person get the source code for free without buying my program, or could I only let you obtain the source code after you buy my program? 3. If I write the actual game in a script, such as Lua, do I have to release the script code? I would not want to do this mainly because it would be easier for people to cheat and use hacks, and also because it would be easier for people to pirate my software. Thanks.
Original post by tuxx
1. If I had a shareware game where you download the game and pay for it (if you so choose), would I have to include the source code with the demo? Could that source code be one of the features that you would "unlock" by paying for the game?

If you own the rights to the software you can license it however you'd like to whomever you want to. Do you want to give them the source under the GPL or not?

Original post by tuxx
2. If I sold a software program (say a database program), would I have to let the person get the source code for free without buying my program, or could I only let you obtain the source code after you buy my program?

Once, again, your rights equal your ability to license it however you'd like. Of course, once you give someone the rights to the code under the GPL, they have certain rights to redistribute that code.

Original post by tuxx
3. If I write the actual game in a script, such as Lua, do I have to release the script code? I would not want to do this mainly because it would be easier for people to cheat and use hacks, and also because it would be easier for people to pirate my software.

It depends on the script whether or not people have access to the code. With Lua, you can compile it into a bytecode (which is pretty reversable).

Also, why should you care if people "cheat and use hacks"? You sold them the game, let them enjoy it however they see fit. If it's some sort of "online game" you should have simply designed the protocol more carefully so that the clients aren't trusted anyhow.

How would that make it easier for people to pirate your software? I can copy a script just as easily as a binary executable, I'd assume most other people can too.

Edit: I can't spell.

[edited by - Null and Void on July 24, 2003 8:35:34 PM]
Assuming your application includes GPLed components and therefore is itself subject to the GPL... or that you want to release it under the GPL.

1. No, the people you sell the game to must have the code included with it for free and be allowed to redistribute it under the GPL's terms.

2. You only need to give the source to those you give/sell the application to - not to just anybody who asks for it. Whether you charge them or not for the application itself is entirely up to you.

3. Even if the application is covered by the GPL, the game resources, art, sound, levels... do not have to. So, I guess it depends on what the scripts are doing, whether they are part of the engine (will it work without them ?) or part of the game logic (a bit like a 'mod').
Furthermore, if your application is entirely original (is not including any GPLed components), you are free to do whatever you want and release whatever parts of your application under the GPL, from nothing to everything.

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[edited by - Fruny on July 24, 2003 8:50:50 PM]
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