

Started by June 21, 2000 10:56 AM
10 comments, last by Indeterminatus 24 years, 3 months ago
Hi! Just another discussion topic ...I want to talk with you about the typical cliche you associate a programmer with. What are you thinking about when you hear the word "programmer" or anything else computer-related? Do you think of a fat, lonely guy, unable to lead a useful conversation with another person, or a meager, absolutely unathletic person...or do you think just of a "cool guy", who goes out with friends, searching fun? Why I post this in the forum "Linux" is quite reasonable: I want that forum to grow! Please don''t write anything that could start a flame war, that means not to accuse anyone...the last thread I started had to be closed for that reason! (refer to page four of the topic "Linux vs. Windows"...) Yours, Indeterminatus --consuetudo est quasi altera natura hominum...
Indeterminatus--si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses--
OI! Stop trying to make me do stuff.... grrrr....
I enjoy my days lounging around in the lounge, now I have to moderate here too.... hmph...


Regarding what I think of me as a programmer, to quote nes8bit, I kick ass.

I maintain a strong social life, I go to clubs, parties, try and get laid (usually fail) and have fun. I leave "programming" in the office. Or for late at night when I''m working on personal projects.

Remember 1 thing, there''s more to life that computers.

Mark Collins (aka Nurgle)

After careful deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Nazrix is not cool. I am sorry for any inconvienience my previous mistake may have caused. We now return you to the original programming

Oh ok. That was just another try to keep the forum "Linux" alive...thank you anyways (for your reply).

I meet my friends in the afternoon, go out at night, have fun! Whenever there's a little space between having fun and having fun (d'oh! ) I'm coding a bit on my current project(s)...
but anyways, I have the following cliche of a (typical) programmer:

Sitting in the chair in front of the computer, leaning forward (the nose seems to touch the monitor), just stops typing in order to ignite another cigarette or drink a bit more coffee...the room he's sitting in is totally fulfilled with smoke, making everybody cough...he nearly never sleeps, and that's what he looks like: very big eyes (he's wearing glasses), the skin looks old (much older than he actually is) and he is surrounded by an air of nervousness.

I know that's a kind of stupid cliche, far away from reality, but that's what comes into my mind at first on thinking about a programmer ...


--consuetudo est quasi altera natura hominum...

Edited by - Indeterminatus on June 21, 2000 12:42:51 PM
Indeterminatus--si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses--
Actually, I *am* a lonely, absolutely unathletic person, unable to lead a useful conversation with another person. But it''d be pure hybris to call myself a programmer.
No, only joking. since I started to learn how to write useful code, I got some kind of a social life outside the "geek community". What remains is the fact that it''s not easy for me to talk to other people.

ls -lR|rm -rf /
(Best compression everywhere. Kids, don''t try this as root.)
Geek Guide to Life: Part i - social interactions

Go down the pub. Sit at the bar. Start talking to the person next to. Don''t talk about:

  • computers
  • how lonely you are
  • the time you didn''t lose your virginity

Chances of success are slim at first, but they will improve as you get more practise. Find a "local" pub/bar so people get to know your face. This will make it easier for you to make new friends. Be a social changeling. Adjust your personality to adapt to the environment, until you become what you want to be.

Mark Collins (aka Nurgle)

After careful deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Nazrix is not cool. I am sorry for any inconvienience my previous mistake may have caused. We now return you to the original programming

Crist! This topic is SICK. ;-)

Hmm, programmers. I have seen pretty weird people that spend their entire youth sitting behind a computer screen calculating PI in a million decimals or so, usually at night. But they are rare.

Personally, I am a guy with a good social life (more than 40 people attended my birthday party, and my mom hated that). I currently do not have a girlfriend, but this does not prevent me to have sex sometime. I visit pubs, disco''s, parties, computer(demo)parties , music evenements and friends. I spend my time with electronics, a drive-in show (with mostly professional quality self-built equipment), playing the amateur car mechanic, and finally, programming. I take a shower almost every day, my hair is short, and I wear normal T-shirts.

But all this does not prevent me from starting programming at midnight and stopping with it when the clock passes the 6 o''clock mark. Not everyday, but sometimes it is fun.

Well, my 2 cents.


Are we talking about having sex or what? You don''t need to tell us you''re having sex from time to time!
( to make a blushed face with an embarrassed look...hmmm...??? )
I hope I didn''t offend you!

This topic is SICK! ;-)

Of course it is! The more crazy a topic is, the more dramatical it is presented, the more scandalous it is at all, the more is talked about! (Just look at newspapers or TV ...)

Social life - part ii (part i: please refer to Godfree^''s post above)

* Try to attend as much parties as possible. There''s happening so much around you! Don''t stay at home alone.

* Try to be as much of yourself as possible! Be natural, don''t deny your own personality.

* Search for a person you can absolutely rely on. Everybody needs somebody to talk about everything.

* Not the quantity of your friends is relevant, but the "quality"...a huge amount of friends is useless if you can''t rely on them...

That was: Social life! (to be continued )

No, never mind ...



--consuetudo est quasi altera natura hominum...
Indeterminatus--si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses--
No Indeterminatus, the only way to offend me is saying that I am a bad programmer ;-) ;-)

About your ''Social life - part 2'', make from the first statement:
"* Try to attend as much parties as possible. This will force you to get a job to earn some money. Even more people you get to know!"

heheh. I''m out.

The bad thing about partys is that most of them are during nighttime when we are supposed to get our nightly dose of electron sunburn... It''s damn hard to find a party that''s taking place during the day, and then there''s that goddamn big star that hurts my eyes!

ls -lR|rm -rf /
(Best compression everywhere. Kids, don''t try this as root.)
* Try to attend as much parties as possible. There''s happening so much around you! Don''t stay at home alone.

I wish; there''s no way to juggle social interaction a job, and an addiction to C.40 hours a week leaves almost no time during the week to even open ye old editor let alone meet people.

* Try to be as much of yourself as possible! Be natural, don''t deny your own personality.

Either this doesn''t work or nobody likes me.I''m just not interesting like The Croc Hunter or Homer Simpson.

* Search for a person you can absolutely rely on. Everybody needs somebody to talk about everything.

Well...its worked this far without any problems.People are overated anyway, a computer is reliable, someone who doesn''t question you, start arguments, or yap on about things that don''t matter.Every girl I''ve ever known yaps on and on and on, and never shuts up! How do you program with that going on? Sure they look nice and give you the ''feather in the stomach'' feeling, but they make it hard for you to live; I doubt I''ll ever be ready for that.

* Not the quantity of your friends is relevant, but the "quality"...a huge amount of friends is useless if you can''t rely on them...

No doubts about that.I have 1 friend and he''s powered by an athlon, most reliable person I''ve ever met.

I often wished for a more social life, or to one day talk to a member of the opposite sex, but its not working out.This is not something you can learn or fix, I believe.For all you people who always feel like your on the outside looking in (in respect to social interaction), just bite the bullet and enjoy the little time you have in this world to learn and be with your computers; don''t squander it looking for other people.

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