lesson 38 resource file questions
I want my program to be able to check if a bitmap is in the resource file, then if it is, load it from the resource file, if its not, load the bitmap normally.
I call loadBMP with "data/crate.bmp"
loadBMP looks at the filename, and checks for an ID with a similiar name, like "IDB_CRATE", then if it exists, retrieve it from the resource file. If it does not, it loads crate.bmp.
Any ideas how to do this ?
Use the LoadImage() API function, it returns a handle of an image in a resource file, then all you have to do is test if it is a valid handle, if not then load from disk, ie:
// get filename to load
// call LoadImage() (taken from win32 api helpfile):
HANDLE LoadImage(
HINSTANCE hinst, // handle of the instance that contains the image
LPCTSTR lpszName, // name or identifier of image
UINT uType, // type of image
int cxDesired, // desired width
int cyDesired, // desired height
UINT fuLoad // load flags
// check if handle is ok then load bitmap from file if it isn''t, or just proceed if it''s ok, as you''ve got the handle there.
// get filename to load
// call LoadImage() (taken from win32 api helpfile):
HANDLE LoadImage(
HINSTANCE hinst, // handle of the instance that contains the image
LPCTSTR lpszName, // name or identifier of image
UINT uType, // type of image
int cxDesired, // desired width
int cyDesired, // desired height
UINT fuLoad // load flags
// check if handle is ok then load bitmap from file if it isn''t, or just proceed if it''s ok, as you''ve got the handle there.
Darren Clark
Darren Clark
Thanks! Now I have a new question...
every time I call either
gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 3, BMP.bmWidth, BMP.bmHeight, GL_BGR_EXT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, BMP.bmBits);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, BMP.bmWidth, BMP.bmHeight, 0, GL_BGR_EXT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, BMP.bmBits);
my program crashes. Even when I copy the code exactly from Lesson 38 ( and rename the IDB tags) it crashes at the gluBuild2DMipmaps() call. Any ideas why this is happening ? BMP seems to be valid (bmWidth and bmHeight return values and bmBits is non zero).
every time I call either
gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 3, BMP.bmWidth, BMP.bmHeight, GL_BGR_EXT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, BMP.bmBits);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, BMP.bmWidth, BMP.bmHeight, 0, GL_BGR_EXT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, BMP.bmBits);
my program crashes. Even when I copy the code exactly from Lesson 38 ( and rename the IDB tags) it crashes at the gluBuild2DMipmaps() call. Any ideas why this is happening ? BMP seems to be valid (bmWidth and bmHeight return values and bmBits is non zero).
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