

Started by July 20, 2003 01:38 PM
10 comments, last by Yusuf 21 years, 7 months ago
I get a compiler error whenever I try to compile any of the NeHe tuts. It says something like undeclared CDS_FULLSCREEN. Does anyone know what that''s about? Do I have to link in some files? Any help would be appreciated. Thx
Oh my!

Just ''cause you haven''t seen the problem before doesn''t mean no one else has. STFW.


I love how hostal the elite can be come...

But yeah its good practice to search the web before running to a board.

It will keep the trolls off of you
It''s spelled "hostile," and I don''t do this out of concern for myself. For the sake of the community, ask worthwhile questions that haven''t been answered hundreds of times. After all skow, you did advocate searching before posting, you just said it in a polite way while criticizing those of us who take a more proactive role in keeping things productive.


//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
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Correcting the spelling of a programmer, for shame.
My point is simple as this. Stating it the way I did gets the message across. There is no point to refer to simple internet jargon, IE "STFW."

You can get your point across with out being an ass. I grow tired of the "internet though guy."
What? Being a coder exempts you from using correct spelling? Guess what? I''m a programmer too. Does that mean I can be carless whever I want to?

My point is this: I''m not posturing here; I don''t know where you inferred the "tough guy" image from. I''m simply sick of the same questions being asked by newbies that could just as easily be answered by searching Google with a query of "undeclared CDS_FULLSCREEN" (note: these are exactly the words used by the OP, so don''t tell me it would''ve taken any more effort to synthesize it and type it into Google than an edit box on the fora).

What you said got the point across. What I said quite possibly made it stick, causing a change in a person. Harsh correction is needed to prevent situations like this in the future. When you''ve been here long enough, you may appreciate that. Until then, watch out who you call an ass.


//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
miscellaneous links


well, then i really would like to know more ''bout that undeclared CDS_FULLSCREEN error

All I´m offering is the truth! Nothing more!
---All I´m offering is the truth! Nothing more!
"When you''ve been here long enough, you may appreciate that"

I’ve been here for a year and 1/2. I just guess I don’t feel the need or come off as rude. You got your method, I got mine, we will leave it at that.

"Does that mean I can be carless whever I want to?"

Correcting spelling on a board where 1/2 of the users don’t have English as their first language seems a bit silly. I don''t post here for your grammatical and spelling pleasure. So yes, feel free to mispell a word or two; I wont think less of you

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