Idea for simple game?
Does anybody have and idea for a simple game which uses OGL, a RPG or First person game?
No amount of genius can overcome a preoccupation with detail.
No amount of genius can overcome a preoccupation with detail.
How about a platform game(like jazz jackrabbit, commander keen or sonic).
It shouldn''t be to hard to do,easy colition detection and fast phased action
It shouldn''t be to hard to do,easy colition detection and fast phased action | | | glAux fix for lesson 6 | [twitter]thegeekstate[/twitter]
Duck Hunting ?
The more applications I write, more I find out how less I know
Sonic sounds good. I could also make a game like duck hunting. I must just read up on collision detection. Duck hunting should be easy enough for a beginner like me.
No amount of genius can overcome a preoccupation with detail.
No amount of genius can overcome a preoccupation with detail.
No amount of genius can overcome a preoccupation with detail.
Just because sonic was created a long time back, it''s no easy task. Trust me on this one. Mario might be a little easier, but sonic is alot more complex then it seems.
The physics involved in Sonic is very complex. The acceleration, the way he can run up vertical hills provided he has enough velocity, sonic flying into the air when he runs up a small hill, etc...
Take the physics away and you get a slow boring platform game. It''s no wonder why sonic still is my favourite 2d platform game, no other game company has come close to making something as fun as sonic.
The physics involved in Sonic is very complex. The acceleration, the way he can run up vertical hills provided he has enough velocity, sonic flying into the air when he runs up a small hill, etc...
Take the physics away and you get a slow boring platform game. It''s no wonder why sonic still is my favourite 2d platform game, no other game company has come close to making something as fun as sonic.
I don''t know how advanced a programmer you are, but Tertis is a really good starting point. It may sound simple, but it contains the things all games need but is not overly complex plus you wont loose intrest in it.
Immediately while I was reading your post I started forming images in my mind of spinning the objects, like in lesson 9 of NeHe with the spinning stars. when I get time after school tomorrow I will start planning the simplest form of tetris that I can make, then advance it.
By the way, Im not a good graphics programmer, I''ve been coding OGL since Thursday. But, I have been writing C++, MFC and a bit of COM for a year now. I wouldn''t call myself good though.
No amount of genius can overcome a preoccupation with detail.
By the way, Im not a good graphics programmer, I''ve been coding OGL since Thursday. But, I have been writing C++, MFC and a bit of COM for a year now. I wouldn''t call myself good though.
No amount of genius can overcome a preoccupation with detail.
No amount of genius can overcome a preoccupation with detail.
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