myvar = newmyclass()
in Lua. newmyclass() would be a function written in C++, which creates a variable of type myclass, and then returns a pointer to it to Lua. It possible? I''m sorry if it doesn''t make sense, I don''t understand Lua that well yet.
Lua : Push void* onto the stack
Hey. Was wondering, is it possible to push a void* onto the stack? What I wanna do is, create a function to push a pointer to a C++ class (casted as void*, maybe) onto the stack. I wanna be able to create Lua variables of type myclass. So I could write something like:
Yes, you could push that onto LUas stack as a light user data, but keep in mind that LUA can''t do anything with it unless it has a metatable.
If you want LUA to access functions of the class, check out Luna.
If you want LUA to access functions of the class, check out Luna.
Thanks for the reply. But how do you actually do that? >.<
I recently discovered that Lua tables are awesome! They do exactly what I want, I''ve even given up using C++ classes in my project. But the thing is, I still want to access a SOCKET through Lua. I am new to Lua, so I would appreciate some help >.< hehe.
I recently discovered that Lua tables are awesome! They do exactly what I want, I''ve even given up using C++ classes in my project. But the thing is, I still want to access a SOCKET through Lua. I am new to Lua, so I would appreciate some help >.< hehe.
Ahh, I''m on the right track now, thanks. But I still haven''t got it to work >.< Check out some of my functions.
Everytime my game receives a new connection, it creates a new thread, and passes the SOCKET to the above function. The output function outputs the message to my gameserver console. The Lua function it calls (connection), is here:
That''s just a test function so far really. It gets called ok, and outputs:
Got a connection! userdata: 00DAFFBC
Fine. That send function isn''t working properly. I don''t know what''s wrong with it, but it doesn''t send the message to the client. Here it is:
Anyone see why it doesn''t work? There is no such function as lua_tolightuserdata, so I used lua_touserdata, that ok? I also tryed lua_topointer, but the same thing happenned. This is my first Lua project, so I''m still learning. It''s great, just a few problems understanding, hehe. Would be greatful if anyone could help >.<
#define LUA_CONNECT_FUNC "connection"#define LUA_NOCONNECT_FUNC LUA_CONNECT_FUNC "() was not defined!"void newConnection(SOCKET sock){ lua_State *L = lua_newthread(l); lua_getglobal(L, LUA_CONNECT_FUNC); if(!lua_isfunction(L, -1)){ output(LUA_NOCONNECT_FUNC); }else{ lua_pushlightuserdata(L, &sock); lua_call(L, 1, 0); } shutdown(sock, 0); closesocket(sock);}
Everytime my game receives a new connection, it creates a new thread, and passes the SOCKET to the above function. The output function outputs the message to my gameserver console. The Lua function it calls (connection), is here:
function connection(sock) output("Got a connection! " .. tostring(sock)) send(sock, "Hello!")end
That''s just a test function so far really. It gets called ok, and outputs:
Got a connection! userdata: 00DAFFBC
Fine. That send function isn''t working properly. I don''t know what''s wrong with it, but it doesn''t send the message to the client. Here it is:
static int lgame_socksend(lua_State *L){ if(lua_islightuserdata(L, -1) && lua_isstring(L, -2)){ SOCKET *sock = (SOCKET*) lua_touserdata(L, -1); const char *c = lua_tostring(L, -2); send(*sock, c, sizeof(c), 0); } lua_pop(L, 2); return 0;}
Anyone see why it doesn''t work? There is no such function as lua_tolightuserdata, so I used lua_touserdata, that ok? I also tryed lua_topointer, but the same thing happenned. This is my first Lua project, so I''m still learning. It''s great, just a few problems understanding, hehe. Would be greatful if anyone could help >.<
Aren''t the arguments in direct order on stack, with -1 being the last element (top of stack) and -2 being the one before that.
If you remove the - signs from your send function stack indices it should work (or swap the indices).
If you remove the - signs from your send function stack indices it should work (or swap the indices).
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