Is this Video Game AI thesis applicable?
Ok, this is my first time with AI hear, so bear with me. I am making a new videogame(see sig below) in wich I want the AI to be one of the strong points in the game. I am sick and tyerd of games that have amazing graphic capabilitys, but offer little-to-no chalange with the computer controled components.Halo Offten, the developers seem to try to provied chalage by eather having the AI cheat, or by using an online componet to play agence equal formitable opponents.(Humans in english)
So far, I have read over 6 books, 32 articals, and done 2 months of reaserch just on AI in games alone. It seems that even tho in its infancy, there are alot of techniques one can use. I have in those 2 months developed a AI system that I hope people will enjoy, and be shocked by how the bots use there AI to good use.
Now, I am going to tell you guys the plan. What you have to tell me is a) Do you think it could work, and b) If I have made any mistakes or misconseptions along the way.
Ok, hear we go:
First off, the game( I am focusing on the action parts hear) is an Movie-like Real-Time RPG. It encomposes a "Real World" were the player explores, gose into town, and were the story takes place. The Dungons, wich are in an alternat world, encomposes 3rd Person Shooting, Steath, and Hand-To-Hand combat elements to distroy the bad guys in the game. The AI system that I am going to prepose is about how the enemy AI I planed is going to work in the game.
I am going to dabble into my reasearch hear. It seems that the fundamentals of Videogame AI is how the Bot can react to the player, and how the bot can formulate moves to try to one up the player. While Space Invaders is arguably the first game AI, I found that Pac-Man seems to be were videogame AI was truly brought into the spotlight. Each ghost had its own AI microchip in the Pac-Man circut boards, thus each ghost and its own personality. One chased you thruout the maze dirctly, one chased you thru the maze by cutting in front of you, one moved around the maze untill he found you and chased after you directly, and one just randomly moved around the maze. Thus not only did the player had to form an individual stratagy for each ghost, but gave the illusion of the ghost working together to trap the player.
The next step was Half-Life. Evne tho IMO the AI was modderat and was overhyped, it did bring to the fact that like Pac-Man, each type of enemy in the game had its own AI system. However, unlike the 4 ghost that worked independantly, there werea round 12 types of enemys, and they comunicated with each other. Thus if you moved into a room, that one grunt that saw you will tell the other grunts that you went into the room, and will try to snuff you out. The last step I found in my reasearch was a game that was Perfict Dark. In this game, all the enemys were all reletivaly human, but they each had random "moods" that could be set into the bot that whould give each enemy a personalty. For example, if you shot at two of the guards in the game, one guard will run at you full guns-blazing trying to kill you, the other guard will run away like a coward. The trick hear was that you are so distracted by the Kamakazi Guard that you didnt see the Coward Guard run way. So when you turn that corner, the Coward guard shoots you in the back. End of story.
So, to cut to the crap, this is my plan for the basic enemys in the game. All enemys have automatic reponces, like they can tell if you are aming directly at them, they will jump away from sight. However, each enemy has 1 or more moods that govern the way it plays. Some like to doge bullets and take cover, one may like hand-to-hand combat, one may only look for the biggest gun in the lot, ect. What makes this diffrent are three things:
1) Each mood durring certant situations can change the way it plays to sute the player. For example, a Undead Soldure has spoted you. He runs guns ablazing, trying to doge your blast. However, you have better aim, and he is losing heath. So he tosses a smoke granade, and he seems to be gone. Now, he will try to hunt you down in a steath manner, than to fire at you directly.
2) There is a genetic aliagram(sorry for my sp) that monoters how well diffrent moods work agnece the player. As diffrent moods become eazy or harder to the player, the computer will use thease mood types and character types that are harder more offen than the others. Near the end of the level, the player will be playing agence the types of enemeys that are the most pain in the @$$ to him.
3)Each enemy can remember counter moves for a certant amout of time. For instance, you are into hand-to-hand combat. You smack the player around, and each time the guy falls(lets say 2), you alway kick him while he is still on the ground. Well, the next time you knock him down, he lyes there to atract you, you go to kick him, and he jumps up to doge your kick and punches you hard in the face. Since you are stuned, this will triger the enemy to preform a combo on you. He will remember it for 50 secs.
The last part of the AI is the human-bosses, wich are given a move list of diffrent weghts and then are used in a simple NN to develop along with the player as they fight. I am still researching this, so I dont have an exact example to show you right now.
Well, thats all for now I wanted to say. Please post your comments, I want to make a good comercal game. Every vote counts. ^-^;
Morpheus: Keeper of Dreams
A game that will change the way you precive RPG Games forever...
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-----------Morpheus: Keeper of DreamsA game that will change the way you precive RPG Games forever...Coming Soon to PC!
well, i''m really newbye in game programming so, read what i say, but don''t think this could be a right thing...anyway:
i think the idea is really good, and theorically it is a very good way to make enemies different from each other, the problem that i think is:
which kind of processor (and ram)do you need to hold moods and reaction/learning capacities of all enemies?
if it''s a gdr you should think that if you find the same enemy in 2 different cities, the second one shouldn''t know how the first one died...
then i''m asking:
i think that EVERY enemy you''ll meet will loose health so you should need a more complex way to make him "recognize" that his strategy doesn''t work
the main thing that holds how reactions attacks,movements and strategies of ALL enemies in the world would be a good idea in a platform i think, but in a rpg i don''t think enemies should be "linked" each other by this "superior intelligence" (database)
the idea is absolutely correct anyway, but i think that this would need a BIG pc, so the algorithm wich manage AI should be (i think) more generalized for example via scripting
you make an AI script for each enemy like UO, or a script for some "mood"
for example you may make a guard that is coward against dwarves and really angry against something else (example) or anyway describe enemies temper by a script, but holding a single AI interpreter...
my 2p
There aren''''t problems that can''''t be solved with a gun...
i think the idea is really good, and theorically it is a very good way to make enemies different from each other, the problem that i think is:
which kind of processor (and ram)do you need to hold moods and reaction/learning capacities of all enemies?
if it''s a gdr you should think that if you find the same enemy in 2 different cities, the second one shouldn''t know how the first one died...
then i''m asking:
he is losing heath. So he tosses a smoke granade
i think that EVERY enemy you''ll meet will loose health so you should need a more complex way to make him "recognize" that his strategy doesn''t work
the main thing that holds how reactions attacks,movements and strategies of ALL enemies in the world would be a good idea in a platform i think, but in a rpg i don''t think enemies should be "linked" each other by this "superior intelligence" (database)
the idea is absolutely correct anyway, but i think that this would need a BIG pc, so the algorithm wich manage AI should be (i think) more generalized for example via scripting
you make an AI script for each enemy like UO, or a script for some "mood"
for example you may make a guard that is coward against dwarves and really angry against something else (example) or anyway describe enemies temper by a script, but holding a single AI interpreter...
my 2p
There aren''''t problems that can''''t be solved with a gun...
There aren''t problems that can''t be solved with a gun...
Hmmmm...I see what you mean. Good Points.
That just made me think of somthing. Perhaps, since enemys fight in groops, that the enemys should change stratagey based on some basic princibles. Ex. How much have they lost, how much has the player lost, and how long it took. Like lets say I go agence 5 enemys. If they go in guns-blazing, and I defeat 2 of them in 10 secs(this is hypothetical), then the other 3 may try a stratagy in wich one distracts the player, and the other 2 use stelth to try to kill me. Ah-ha! Thanks Thor82! ^-^
Oh, and I whould like to clear up 2 misconceptions that you made. Dont worry, its not your faut, I just didnt explain it enough. :-p
1)I am not going to have a mood list for every type of enemey in the game. That is too much damand on my time, cost, and tech! ^-^; I am going to have basic moods and stratagys that are open ended, and then radomly give the diffrent enemys 1 or more moods depending on the Genetic Aliogram set-up at the time. The only thing that should chage are the animation. :B
2)I think I should`nt have used the term RPG, its way too misleading. I am trying to take the steriotypes of PC and Console RPGs(all RPGs are turn based, consols have anime chicks, PCs have J.R.R. Tolking-like universe), throw thm out the window, keep the basics(dungions, explorations, combat, goals, custombility, ect.), and reinvent them in both story and contexts. The "Real-World" is more the classing exploration RPG world. For the combat I am talking about, play Enter the Matrix and see what I mean. :-p
Peace out!
Morpheus: Keeper of Dreams
A game that will change the way you precive RPG Games forever...
Coming Soon to PC!
That just made me think of somthing. Perhaps, since enemys fight in groops, that the enemys should change stratagey based on some basic princibles. Ex. How much have they lost, how much has the player lost, and how long it took. Like lets say I go agence 5 enemys. If they go in guns-blazing, and I defeat 2 of them in 10 secs(this is hypothetical), then the other 3 may try a stratagy in wich one distracts the player, and the other 2 use stelth to try to kill me. Ah-ha! Thanks Thor82! ^-^
Oh, and I whould like to clear up 2 misconceptions that you made. Dont worry, its not your faut, I just didnt explain it enough. :-p
1)I am not going to have a mood list for every type of enemey in the game. That is too much damand on my time, cost, and tech! ^-^; I am going to have basic moods and stratagys that are open ended, and then radomly give the diffrent enemys 1 or more moods depending on the Genetic Aliogram set-up at the time. The only thing that should chage are the animation. :B
2)I think I should`nt have used the term RPG, its way too misleading. I am trying to take the steriotypes of PC and Console RPGs(all RPGs are turn based, consols have anime chicks, PCs have J.R.R. Tolking-like universe), throw thm out the window, keep the basics(dungions, explorations, combat, goals, custombility, ect.), and reinvent them in both story and contexts. The "Real-World" is more the classing exploration RPG world. For the combat I am talking about, play Enter the Matrix and see what I mean. :-p
Peace out!
Morpheus: Keeper of Dreams
A game that will change the way you precive RPG Games forever...
Coming Soon to PC!
-----------Morpheus: Keeper of DreamsA game that will change the way you precive RPG Games forever...Coming Soon to PC!
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