
Where can I find source code for cloud?

Started by July 10, 2003 12:54 PM
4 comments, last by mmss 21 years, 7 months ago
I have searched the Internet for cloud special effects. I found a lot of cool images, but none of them provide source code. I am really eager to learn this advanced topic. Is there anyone know some website address regarding this topic, with source code? Thanks. mmss
Do a search on the board. There have been a few trheads with good links in the past month.
Thanks skow''s reply. But which board do you mean I should go to?
Try the forum search. If that doesn''t work, try looking in any graphics relatet forum. (DirectX, OpenGL, ...)

Here''s a link that might get you startet.

Also, you could try to use this very realiable and often overlooked helper.
How do I set my laser printer on stun?
Well i did a search on this fourm and nothing showed up, *shrug*

Too bad there were like 7 good links to making nice clouds.
You may also want to take a look at''s cloud links.

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