
OpenGL or DirectX

Started by July 08, 2003 03:44 PM
18 comments, last by MannyZanny 21 years, 7 months ago
yay Glide!!!
yay, just love threads like this :]
and btw, love glide too, still am writing for :]
heh glide.

Of course on a Opengl board people will say opengl. I am no diffrent.

I prefur ogl myself
Original post by MannyZanny
What is the difference between OpenGL and DirectX? And which one is better?

Neither is better, they both have their own strengths and weaknesses.
And Dave did see the ad of penis enlargement, and gazing upon His holy manhood, He did thrust the spam into the firey depths of hell.- Book of Dave, 1:7
mesa( provided OpenGL for many OSs and that is Open Source. OpenGL stands for Open Source Graphics Lib.
UltimaX: your thinking of drivers. RTFM
>>OpenGL stands for Open Source Graphics Lib<<
Ummmm no it does not! OPENGL HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH OPEN SOURCE! RTFM! It OpenGL ("Open Graphics Library") not OpenSGL ("Open Source Graphics Library")

This should clarify it... @&!$!%^@$!#


"You wished for a white christmas... Now go shovel your wishes!"
By the former power vested in my by the GameDev Fora, and in lieu of Trent''s lazy butt, I declare this thread closed and condemned. Someone will be around shortly to do the dirty work.


//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
miscellaneous links


openGL isnt opensource.. how often have you seen links to the sourcecode anyway?
This has been discussed to death. Please search the forum, or read our article on the topic.

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