Original post by MikeD
I hope you don''t mind me preaching a little,
Not at all. I appreciate the clarification, but I think the fact remains that AI is a more advanced science than AL, possibly because the type of computers we commonly use (semi-conductor based) are good at procedural logic.
Original post by Timkin
This is NOT the forum to discuss (in)appropriate grammar...
Well, perhaps not. I went over the top, for which I am sorry, but I couldn''t sit by and let someone claim that using English badly is a "new language". I don''t mind when a child or a non-native English speaker writes badly but I don''t think there is much of an excuse for laziness.
Nevertheless, you are correct. It''s not a writing forum. In future I may still say something but I won''t be such an arsehole about it. Is this an acceptable compromise?
Sorry cheeseman. It''s not really such a capital crime to be a lazy writer. I don''t like it but I didn''t need to bite your head off.
Geocyte Has Committed Suicide.