Access Violation ntdll.dll 0xC0000005 Dev-C++
I was just wondering if anyone else get this error when they try to run a program they''ve just compile. The compile goes fine no errors just the "NULL" warnings.
I am using Dev-C++ with the mingw32 compiler
I''ve included the windows and gl headers and
linked the libraries
Thanx in advance to any replies
La La La La La La... La La La La La
La La La La La La... La La La La La
I think that is a memory violation error like when you walk over other memory blocks with an out of bounds pointer.
Try stepping through your program using a debugger and check any code dealing with arrays / pointers.
Yeah I caught a few people on IRC that said the same thing. I really appreciate the help from everyone.
La La La La La La... La La La La La
La La La La La La... La La La La La
La La La La La La... La La La La La
You can also sprinkle few asserts in your code to check for state the app should be in before executing some code. To catch logic errors. I just cought one today with an assert after rewriting my codebase a bit. If using win32 then it has facility for memory leakchecking you can use. Mfc has it built in.
Thank you. I forgot all about assert. I think I have "young-timers" or something. Appreciate the help once again.
oh yeah... It was an array/pointer problem
La La La La La La... La La La La La
[edited by - fathairysmurf on June 22, 2003 9:52:36 PM]
oh yeah... It was an array/pointer problem
La La La La La La... La La La La La
[edited by - fathairysmurf on June 22, 2003 9:52:36 PM]
La La La La La La... La La La La La
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