
Help me with my game plz.

Started by June 19, 2003 06:39 AM
5 comments, last by Xnin 21 years, 8 months ago
Hi Im making a small game for the fun of it. So far ive got 1 car moving up/down/left.... and another car (for player2) moving too (Just accelerating so far). Anyway, the problem is too dificult to explain with actually having a look at the code. Basically, when the purple car is moving forward, and then i get the the yellow car to move too, once it hits the boundary of the game (end of the ground/road), the purple car moves back. This sounds very stupid but i only explained it like that so u understand whats happening when u try it out. Here is my code (u might need the Glut dlls etc...) Thanks For any Help
I just downloaded your game and am going to give it the once-over. I also made a game similar to this so I may be able to help. Will respond in a while.

"Donkey, if it were me, you''d be dead."
I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniute.
"Donkey, if it were me, you'd be dead."I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniute.
The boundary code was commented out. When putting that code back in the only thing that happens is that the yellow car will bounce back - nothing seems to go wrong with the purple car...
I downloaded and played it, pretty cool, I liked it. I don''t really understand what you''d like us, the testers, to respond on. What do you want to know? Anyway, it seems like it could become a fun game, just give it some direction, like Grand Theft Auto 1, or Driver. Maybe just have races wih checkpoints, and when you go off the road you slow down. Just ideas, great program so far!

"Donkey, if it were me, you''d be dead."
I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniute.
"Donkey, if it were me, you'd be dead."I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniute.
Wow, u guys really think its good? cool! I will turn it into a game once i get rid of these problems.

Anyway, the boundary code was comented out just 4 testing. I wanted to know why is the purple car moving back when the yellow car gets past the boundary. Its really killing me, not sure what else to do.

Ok, heres what i want u guys to try out. Run the game then accelerate the purple car (home button). It wont slow down so just let it go straight and dont worry about it. Now, move the yellow car outside the boundary and watch the puple car come back from no where. lol, thats the problem i want to figure out.

Thanks for you help so far guys!
Tried it again - still can''t duplicate the problem with the boundary collisions ???
Original post by lp23
Tried it again - still can't duplicate the problem with the boundary collisions ???

Was the purple car moving while u moved the yellow car into the boundary?

When the purple car is moving (Home key to accelerate it), and u smash the yellow car into the boundary. The purple car will appear in its original position again and move from there.

Hope someone can help me with this. I have no idea what to do left.


[edited by - xnin on June 22, 2003 7:19:15 AM]

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