Independent game development time
I''ve made several smaller games, that have taken anywhere from a few weeks to a month to make. Recently i''ve worked on a 3d space shooter, and ive been working on the game for 6 months, and i think I''m about 1/2 done. This is working about 5-25 hours a week on it, witha few weeeks off.
I''m just wondering about those who are working on their own games; whats the longist you have worked on a game. Am I aiming to large for a game made by 1 persion? Just starting to wonder if ill ever get done
Just seeing how many others are working endlessly on a game.

Well for me it took anywhere from a few hours (a MessageBox generator,not even OpenGL,hehe), to 5 months of developing an engine that was actually based on pieces from another engine(s) from the past,so I should say another few months added...
You can see my work at F->Final Dream,if you haven`t already...
You can see my work at F->Final Dream,if you haven`t already...
Relative Games - My apps
Ok, I''ve been working on my engine for over a year now. Well, from its very first incarnation ( though, there''s nothing left of it in the code anymore ), for over two years... And it''s still no where near done.
Death of one is a tragedy, death of a million is just a statistic.
Death of one is a tragedy, death of a million is just a statistic.

If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
Usually when I create a game it's an ongoing process since I keep trying to make it better. Onen full game I made (Spherical Vengeance) took around 4 months to do the game (Fixed it up a bit a few times after that, but the gameplay was time in that time frame). My longest game that I've been working on is probably the hockey game (going on 4 years now). Of course, off and on - mostly off, but it's still technically being worked on - and it is a HUGE project 
[edited by - lp23 on June 19, 2003 4:35:45 PM]

[edited by - lp23 on June 19, 2003 4:35:45 PM]
When I started at my game I planned to complete it in two years.
By looking at it now, I see I am very late on schedule.
Now it has been around six months only to develop the technology needed to write the editor... which is still at 0%. This told me I need something even more advanced to solve some ugly problems in the interface.
Running from 6 months.
Planned 2 years (to get the basics running, not counting evolution and content creation)
Now I plan the next step alone to require all the remaining 2003 (which is, another 6 months) I think it will now need at least 3 years.
By looking at it now, I see I am very late on schedule.
Now it has been around six months only to develop the technology needed to write the editor... which is still at 0%. This told me I need something even more advanced to solve some ugly problems in the interface.
Running from 6 months.
Planned 2 years (to get the basics running, not counting evolution and content creation)
Now I plan the next step alone to require all the remaining 2003 (which is, another 6 months) I think it will now need at least 3 years.

Previously "Krohm"
its taking me a long time to write my map editor (6 months so far) glad to know that others are going the same speed! I was starting to wonder about my self 
The pipes clangor all the time.
[edited by - pipes clangor on June 20, 2003 4:24:01 AM]

The pipes clangor all the time.
[edited by - pipes clangor on June 20, 2003 4:24:01 AM]
---------------------------The pipes clangor all the time.
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