
DirectX in BCB Survey

Started by June 14, 2000 03:42 AM
-1 comments, last by HughE 24 years, 6 months ago
Hello all, I''m Hugh Edwards, the new manager of For those of you who don''t know, we''re creating a RAD DirectX solution by wrapping the complete DirectX sdk into the C++ Builder VCL. Being able to use DirectX in a Rapid Development Environment will mean you can create the same result with less than half the lines of code it would normally take. Note that when I say "the complete DirectX sdk", its not just a little bit from this section and a little bit from another section, its every structure and interface in DirectX. To put it another way, its more components than ships with BCB5 professional. Anyway, our technology is bedded down now and its time to step up the pace. To do this properly, finance is needed, and acquiring finance will be easier with the results from this posting. I also thought this would be a good opportunity to identify potential beta testers for our libraries. To this end I''ve created a survey at I would be very grateful if you could find the time to fill it in, it shouldn''t take over a minute unless you care to add some comments. The survey is repeated below, if you''d prefer to use email. The more results there are, the sooner the complete library is finished, so help me out here and I''ll deliver on my end of this bargain as soon as possible. Thank you Hugh Edwards -------- Survey The primary purpose of this survey is to identify which sections of DirectX are most important to you. The secondary purpose is to prove beyond a doubt that real demand exists for a RAD DirectX solution. And lastly, it identifies potential beta testers. The survey is very quick, just cut out the answers you don''t like and send the rest to Your email address and comments are optional, but appreciated. I would love to be able to program All of DirectX DirectDraw DirectSound DirectInput DirectPlay DirectSetup Direct3D Immediate Mode Direct3DX Utility Library Direct3D Retained Mode DirectMusic as a native part of a Rapid-Application-Development environment such as C++ Builder. I could help beta test the RAD version of the DirectDraw DirectSound DirectInput DirectPlay DirectSetup Direct3D Immediate Mode Direct3DX Utility Library Direct3D Retained Mode DirectMusic section of DirectX. Rate between 1 and 10 your confidence with: C++ C++ Builder DirectX Name (optional): Email Address (optional): Comments (optional): Your email address will never be used or distributed outside ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hugh Edwards,, Sydney, Australia web: email: personal: -----------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------Hugh EdwardsWeb: http://BCB-Tools.comEmail: Admin@BCB-Tools.comPersonal:

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