Hey everyone, im Rilez and as you may know my goal is to someday be working on a MMORPG (See Beginner Board for more details) and i know that i will not have this goal started for many more years to come. but i will like to already start working on getting a website together (i know html and php so i can handle that). I want to get the site going so i can start getting the name out and my plans for it, start getting interested people, and this way i can show exactly how the game came to be from day one of learning to programing, to the final day where the game will be realeased.
BUT, im not the best at graphics, and for this reason i would like some help on makeing a banner for the top of my site. i cant afford to pay at this time (or if you ONLY will do this for pay, i cant afford much
anyway some info on what i want the banner to be like....
-Game name included, which will be "Mystic Wonders"
-Around 600x145 pixels
-a foresty kind of background, includeing tree's (like evergreen)
-a mage looking kind of girl holding a staff, with the tip of the staff glowing as she is casting a spell
im not worrying about the graphics from the banner being the graphics from in the game at this time because it will be along time before im worried about game graphics.
thank you guys for the help
hope someone can do this
for me, ill also credit you on my site, of corse
[edited by - Rilez on June 12, 2003 9:50:40 PM]
"The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." - Thomas Pain