
A never ending game

Started by May 30, 2003 06:27 PM
41 comments, last by kingpinzs 21 years, 8 months ago
I have to admit it kingpinzs, your one ambitious person... then again so am I. I became interested in programing by trying to write my own design document one day. By the time I was done writing it and I had learned some basic programming I realized just as you have from many peoples post that my game just isn''t feasible... at least not now anyway. But that doesn''t mean it can''t be a dream. It takes imaginative people to create freash ideas for games, but it take a realist to produce and market one. Since I knew my idea would probably never be produced as a game I turned the story line into a book. Go figure :-) I wish you lots of luck and a few miricles lol.
---------------------------------------------Warning: This post may contain traces of Q-Basic
I personally dont think his idea is bad or impossible, as long as its what he wants to do. One thing however...and this i gaurantee, you will never complete this starting with such crazy plans. 18,000x15,000 mile equivalent world = crazy...everything reproducing/doing things on their own = impossible unless maybe you''re talking about 10-50 entities tops. If you would simply scale down the plans and make a world of maybe one half of a square mile instead of the 270,000,000 sqaure mile world you plan on, it can be doable. 270,000,000!! would take decades for people to even see most of it. Do you realize it would take hours to explore the equivalent of 1 square mile? Make a small world, then develop each feature as you go. That way you''ll see progress and have fun doing it. Also, all your players will need 50Ghz pentium 8''s to be able to process so many tasks at a practicle frame rate. Just start small with the idea you have and work it up from there.
...and that's where I saw the leprechaun...he told me to burn things.
He would definately need to buy a supercluster with 32TB+ RAM for development alone, and even then expect to run out of system resources.
So, you''re going to implement an infinite, never-ending game world, featuring um... basically everything in the real world. Might I suggest that you capture people in pods, and immerse them within your game world, using their bio-electricity to power your servers. You''d better just hope it doesn''t become hyper intelligent and decide to take over the planet...

On a completely unrelated note, have you watched the new Matrix film recently?
A self expanding game will never be completed, so you won''t have to pay.
Now I shall systematicly disimboule you with a .... Click here for Project Anime
Does any body know what a self expanding game?

If you do can you kindley tell me what my self expanding game will do?

Becasue as far as I know it will alow data to be inputed in with out haveing to program it in the game.
A self expanding game is autonomous and can sustain itself. . . meaning you set it up and it takes care of itself.
Not quiet. SELF expanding. You make the back bone of the game and the bounderys and it can expand it self to the bounders. as in self expanding- expanding one self to the limets and not to exseda the limits
Original post by kingpinzs
I never like starting easy I get things done what I want done and not do things that are pointless. Like making a game that I dont want when i should be makeing one that I want to play that nobody else has made.

Then your project is hopeless. If you can''t program a Tetris clone, how are you going to program the complex AI, physics, economics, ecology and society of a self-expanding, infinite game? If you can''t prove that you are at least trying to program games by practicing on small-potatoes games, then how can you expect the community to want to help you? How long do you honestly think a Tetris clone would take to complete? Would it really kill you to take a couple of days here and there to create some simple fuctional games?

You have an idea for a game but you have no statistical data or examples to prove to us that your idea can work. You haven''t even proven to yourself, let alone us, that you can even complete a project.

On top of that, you are asking us to complete your game design for you. Why would anyone want to spend their time on your project without any foundation. Remember: time = money. If I make $40 per hour and I spend countless hours helping you with your project rather than doing something productive, I''m losing thousands upon thousands of dollars. Therefore, helping with your project is an investment and you should see it as that.

Show us you can program something. Complete a design document. Put together some simple demos to prove your ideas. Most of all, be practical! I''ll never say that an idea is impossible, but there are steps that need to be taken before an idea can become possible. You''re jumping from A to Z without achieving B through Y. Meanwhile, Z isn''t possible without steps B though Y.

Not trying to be harsh. Only honest. This is the second time I''ve seen your idea posted and the second time it''s been shot down. You need to do a LOT of work before this idea of yours will ever happen.

- Jay

[ Here, taste this ]
Quit screwin' around! - Brock Samson
*cough* Third Time *cough cough*

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