
Marching Cubes / Metaballs

Started by May 26, 2003 08:30 AM
6 comments, last by cannabis 21 years, 9 months ago
Hello everybody out there, has someone tutorials about the marching cubes algorithm or metaballs ? Easy to understand like the NeHe Tutors Thanx Cannabis
I''m not sure you will find a tut on this topic although you could take a look at this:
and for an opengl implementation you could go to Paul Bakers *awesome* site:
Thanx, but I know these sites.
I am searching for a tutorial like the ones from NeHe, all information needed and easy to understand.
NeHe rulez.


Original post by cannabis
Hello everybody out there,

has someone tutorials about the marching cubes algorithm or metaballs ? Easy to understand like the NeHe Tutors


Cannabis has some stuff on Metaballs and marching squares.
Original post by Anonymous Poster
Original post by cannabis
Hello everybody out there,

has someone tutorials about the marching cubes algorithm or metaballs ? Easy to understand like the NeHe Tutors


Cannabis has some stuff on Metaballs and marching squares.

marching cubes..sorry was working on something else at the same time I was posting.
Original post by cannabis
Thanx, but I know these sites.
I am searching for a tutorial like the ones from NeHe, all information needed and easy to understand.

I wrote a marching-cubes alg. at one time. Let me see what I can find in my old code. I used it doing volumetric rendering of 3D data sources. Is that going to be helpful? It may take a day or so to round up, as I believe it's on an older computer and will take some searching to find.

- sighuh?

[edited by - redragon on May 27, 2003 9:59:49 AM]
- sighuh?
It would be very friendly, if you use your sparetime for searching.

I think hopefully, that NeHe post a tutorial some day or is it old school ?


Original post by cannabis
I think hopefully, that NeHe post a tutorial some day or is it old school ?

Didn''t have time last night, but will try again tonight.

I wouldn''t say it''s old-school. It''s really something very specific to volumetric data visualization. I''ve used it for viewing satelite and MRI I wouldn''t really look to it for something that you''re doing in real time. It can generate a lot of triangles very quickly.

- sighuh?

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