
Milkshape model rendering error

Started by May 21, 2003 03:39 PM
1 comment, last by jon723 21 years, 9 months ago
When trying to render my model with the render function I get an error saying that memory can't be accessed at the start of the second "for" loop. Everything was working fine yesterday but now I'm getting this error and I don't know how to fix it. Anyone have an idea how to get rid of this error??
void Model::Render()
	int loop1, loop2, loop3;

	for(loop1 = 0; loop1 < numgroups; loop1++)
		for(loop2 = 0; loop2 < groups[loop1].numTriangles; loop2++)
			int triangleindex = groups[loop1].triangleIndices[loop2];

			const MS3D_Triangle_Var* tri = &triangles[triangleindex];

			for(loop3 = 0; loop3 < 3; loop3++)
				int index = tri->vertexIndices[loop3];

				glTexCoord2f(tri->u[loop3], tri->v[loop3]);
[edited by - Jon723 on May 21, 2003 4:40:31 PM]
Hmm you might want to check and make sure that groups is initialized and that it has as many members as numgroups.

Oh.. and on a side note, you might want to considering doing
for(int var = 0; statement; var++)

That makes it so you don''t have to define the variables at the top, but then again thats just a personal preference.
Other side note....

Do not declare you variables into a for loop... it slows down the whole code...

however consider a check on the initialization of the values, most of the memory access error are vecause of that.

There are 10 type of people:
those who knows binary code
and those who doesn''t
---------------------------------------There are 10 type of people:those who knows binary codeand those who doesn't---------------------------------------

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