
The hardest part of game design..

Started by June 07, 2000 10:56 PM
22 comments, last by Niphty 24 years, 5 months ago
The hardest thing is either designing large worlds (and I mean LARGE) or writing dialogue. Ironically enough, I also have the most fun doing these things...

Changing the face of adventure gaming...
Atypical Interactive
------------------------------Changing the future of adventure gaming...Atypical Interactive
What''s the hardest? Actually finishing the game.

The worst bit about game designing for me is when it''s freezing cold and i''m just about to drift off to sleep and BANG! the solution to a major problem hit''s me like a brick. So i drag myself out of bed in the freezing cold, stumble down the hall way sit down a my chair and spend the next hour trying to interpret the idea correctly so i will understand it in the morning.

The next morning i wake up i instantly have a better idea than the one i had the night before.

Go on, have a good laugh at me :-)

My biggest problem is that I lack motivation, which
drives me nuts :\ I really want to code, but when
I sit down there, or well "here" actually, and try to code
something it gets black. I think way too much, and code
way to little. I envy all of you who have those great ideas
and are ready, and have the motivation to fulfil them.
Good luck to you all.


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