
The hardest part of game design..

Started by June 07, 2000 10:56 PM
22 comments, last by Niphty 24 years, 8 months ago
I''m a programmer, so the hardest part of game design, is just that, the design. I know what''s fun, but I don''t have the brilliant originality that I might need to create something new. When I do get an idea, I have blast programming it, but it may turn out to be a good programming project more so than a fun game..
It seems that we all have the same problems.

Recording our ideas. (always have a piece of paper and a pen)
Choosing between all those marvellous ideas which to include.
Getting into details without forgetting the global design.
Being carefull not including things that will take eons to program.
The terror of making the wrong decisionat anytime.
(And particulary for critical/big design decision)


I used to rely on my experience as a DM for RPG games and my experience as a player for others games.
But I talk to people loving the kind of game I design to know what they think and what they prefer.
Of course answers varies much...

Well I''m designing a new action game and have let my RPG design in the background, that way I think that next time I read my design I''ll find problems and correct them.

[random thoughts]

-* Sounds, music and story makes the difference between good and great games *-
-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
I have 2 difficult things:

1) Figuring out how to do those darn design docs

2) Getting beyond the design docs
Design docs? So *that''s* why we never finish anything around here

I think the toughest part for me is that my head is already on the 4th or 5th game concept while my fingers are slapping out the details of the "now-old in my mind" 1st design. Keeping focus is rough.

Second thing is trying to guess what''ll be available from a technology standpoint by the time your design becomes reality. Nothing like busting your butt for 2 years on a game that ends up being 1 year out of date technologically on release.

Original post by Whirlwind

I have 2 difficult things:

1) Figuring out how to do those darn design docs

2) Getting beyond the design docs

ROTFL....You hit the mark with #1. When I started out, I heard all the time that I''d never finish if I didn''t do the design doc first. After (too) many failures, I actually started listening. What no one ever told me was that I''d find it next to impossible get the design doc right!

You have to write it though. If I don''t have it to guide my work, I always wind up coding all the fun stuff, then stalling out on the grunt stuff. Not to mention the horror of finding out that your current codeline sucks and has to be scrapped or seriously overhauled because you didn''t see the big picture from the beginning.


Did I mention that I have no talent for art or sound? Thats a pretty tough item to get by. Nothing worse than watching your stick figures walk around in stick figure land...
Unless you call the game "Stick", and market it as just that, right?

This post was brought to you by the letter "Land", and the number "Fish!"
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
The only big problem is that i (and most of us) expect a lot from our game.Too much!
I think it''s just because we have used to professional games.
Maybe we should start playing again some DOS games to see the power of simplicity.
Now where did i put these floppies...
Here these words vilifiers and pretenders, please let me die in solitude...
Original post by Landfish

Unless you call the game "Stick", and market it as just that, right?

This post was brought to you by the letter "Land", and the number "Fish!"

Could be problems with that though, I''m pretty sure the dev. team for Chaos Overlords (the first win95 title I ever saw)was ''StickMan Productions''. Last thing I need is a lawsuit just because my sad artwork looks like someone elses logo....

The hardest thing for me is finding the time to do the coding, and using that time to code instead of playing games.

Also, as I''m making my own, unique engine, I''m finding it hard to find equations that noone else but me would ever need. I''m spending most of my time looking at graphs and pulling equations from them.

E:cb woof!
E:cb woof!
You could hardly copyright the universal symbol of Lack of artistic talent. I think "Stick" would be a damn fun game, too!
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt

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