

Started by May 11, 2003 04:37 PM
2 comments, last by Alhexx 21 years, 9 months ago
I''m trying to write a model editor for game models. However, I''ve got a problem. For an editor, I need to integrate a "Hit-Testing"-Function, with which I can check, which Vertex or Triangle a User has selected. Any Ideas? - Alhexx
Two(ish) ways: OpenGL picking (don''t know much about this, never used it) and ray/primitive.

The ray method basically involves transforming the 2D coordinate of the mouse (or whatever pointer) on the viewport into 3D space, then creating a ray from that point out into the world. That ray is then tested against all the objects using ray/triangle, ray/edge or even ray/point (or ray/whatever primitive you want) intersection tests.
One more way: Render your scene using key colors for the objects and retirieve the color at the mouse loc.
Thanx. That ray methods sounds quite interesting... but is there any tutorial or some source code available?

- Alhexx

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