
Who's in the GD Contest?

Started by June 05, 2000 05:33 PM
15 comments, last by nes8bit 24 years, 3 months ago
Anyone? Anyone got ideas? I''ve got nothin, yet I''d like to enter. ------------------------ Captured Reality.
I might enter if I have the time/will. I had an odd idea for mine but, I can't let these other sneaky people in on it!


Edited by - TheGoop on June 5, 2000 7:35:26 PM
You know you wanna let us in on it! Come on. (Notice nes8bit''s attempts to avoid "Please!?") You know you want to.

Captured Reality.
I would love to enter, but (1) I don''t think my 3d knowledge is up to par to compete and (2) I don''t think I have the time, with final exams and all. Damn, I''m drooling for that GeForce2.

______________Martin EstevaolpSoftware
So what. Just join! It will be fun.

Captured Reality.
I know alot of people are afraid to enter the contest because they either don''t know 3D or because they don''t think they have the skills. Well, it might be too late by now if you don''t know 3D, but if you''ve at least done some 3D you still have time. One of my goals with the contests is to teach and learn. I want people to be able to learn what they need to learn to compete. So in effect, anybody can enter these contests. You just have to want to win.


Admin for

So does that mean if I were just really wanting to win and do nothing, could I get my very own geforce 2?...and you''re supposed to say, "yeah Timmy, you can do it"...and I''m gonna say..."thanks mister."...and it will all be better .... I really should get some rest.

Captured Reality.
I''ve got an idea, but it''s not really cool. I''m learning OpenGL slowly... and I do mean slowly. I only have a cube rotating with light changes from modified code of NeHe''s tutorials. It''s exciting to finally get the nerve enough to jump to 3D. Probably, I''ll just have time for a demo and not a game, if that''s ok.
"If you build it, it will crash."
I think I can finish an entry on time. It won''t have everything I wanted. I have been choosing what to implement, and what not to implement because of time constraints. All I have now is the early workings of the sky dome.

I''ve entered the contest. At least I''ve got something in the design stages at the moment. It''s going to be tight though, because I''m finishing another game at the same time, which my publisher wants within the month, and I''m going on holiday for 2 weeks in the meantime... Aint stress great?

And my idea... well... If I run out of time I''ll tell you.

I''m off to eat some Shreddies. | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux

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