Yes. Can do all the following:
. Deform the maps using custom brushes
. Texture the maps using tiling, self-blending, textures with bump-mapping
. Build maps from bitmaps (heightmap)
. Theoretical maximum map size is around 1024x1024 kilometers (map granularity is in meters).
. Position objects on the map (trees/cliffs/whatever... it loads from x files and allows you change properties such as scale, behaviour - movement, animation, teleportation, key/door, etc - , damage, surface friction, collision detection, LOD, etc.)
. Position enemies and set behaviour.
. Create Event/Action based scripts
. Change lighting parameters to set glow and time-of-day
. Create and customise particle effects (rain, explosions, smoke, rockets, fireworks... all particles are defined using an emitter and a localised particle physics system. You can even use it to create weapons like flame-throwers, grenades, machine-guns, jacks... with their own damage properties - impact, radius, cone).
It doesn''t have a cut-scene camera system yet so in-game cinematics are not currently doable, and I have to complete the event/action scripting system to enable a lot more events and actions, but by & large the whole thing is there.
Always prey on the weak, the timid and the stupid. Otherwise you''ll just get your butt kickedFor a tortoise, this is extremely hard to do, but when you get it right... the
expression on their faces ...
Always prey on the weak, the timid and the stupid. Otherwise you'll just get your butt kicked
For a tortoise, this is extremely hard to do, but when you get it right... the expression on their faces ...