What happened to the codewarrior support????
whatever happened to the good old programs that could be run on codewarrior? I personally have codewarrior and find it frustating that with many of these tutorials im learning the stuff for Visual C++ and cannot use it in cw. Please, try and find ppl to write these tutorials so those of use using cw can continue with our work!
I also use Codewarrior, and I agree that more support for it would be nice, but it''s not that hard to make a VC++ project run in codewarrior. You just need to add the source files and link the appropriate libraries (which usually isn''t too hard). I have encountered few projects that I could not get to compile in Codewarrior.
--- Alex Broadwin
--- Domini Nocti Games
--- Alex Broadwin
--- Domini Nocti Games
- [email=atronic@gamebox.net]Alex Broadwin[/email]- Adroit Creations- My Journal- The All-Knowing One
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