One thing that maybe bothers me the most is that I haven''t been able to have more then one window. I often need to use several/many different windows, some displayed at the same time. Is there any reasonable ways to do this? (without touching the lib''s source).
SDL Library... Bad or Good ???
DISCLAIMER: If any of the above statements are incorrect, feel free to deliver me a good hard slap!My games: DracMan | Swift blocks
Yes you can do this either with opengl code, or you can use another open sourced lib that does exactly that and is located in the "libraries" directory at
[edited by - deadalive on April 23, 2003 12:40:25 PM]
[edited by - deadalive on April 23, 2003 12:40:25 PM]
this place is lame
Doesn''t it just draw "windows" inside the main window? That is not really what I am looking for 

DISCLAIMER: If any of the above statements are incorrect, feel free to deliver me a good hard slap!My games: DracMan | Swift blocks
Since I don''t know how to do that normally I can''t tell you how to do it with SDL, but I''ll bet it''s possible. And if not, hey, maybe SDL isn''t for you, it''s not perfect for _every_ project, and yours may be a key example..
But in my experience it works well for most games and other programs, that will be run in one window..
But in my experience it works well for most games and other programs, that will be run in one window..
this place is lame
Exactly, that''s what I thought too.
I have used SDL before and I was very happy with it ( But for many applications, just one window is not really great
Thanx everybody!
I have used SDL before and I was very happy with it ( But for many applications, just one window is not really great

Thanx everybody!
DISCLAIMER: If any of the above statements are incorrect, feel free to deliver me a good hard slap!My games: DracMan | Swift blocks
Original post by Shadow_0f_Light
What happens one day when your all growed up and have to write a program for you employer and all you know how to do is use SDL rather than actually use DirectX or OpenGl? It seems to me that rather than do the work you self you just stand on what some one else has done.
what the hell do you think opengl and directx are? other peoples work . so instead of programming videocards individually, you're being lazy and standing on the shoulders of others to get it done. dont use STL either! what about all of the other standard libraries out there? do you code everything in binary?
imo an employer will find speed and efficiency alot more valuable than a geek with an ego trip.
[edit: to the original poster, SDL is a great cross-platform library. it's also easy to learn, so it's not like you've made a huge intellectual investment in it if you decide you dont like it.]
;another space monkey;
[ Forced Evolution Studios ]
Do NOT let Dr. Mario touch your genitals. He is not a real doctor!
[edited by - eldee on April 23, 2003 1:01:07 PM]
-eldee;another space monkey;[ Forced Evolution Studios ]
Wow...people went all nasty.
Lighten up a bit.
SDL versus GLUT - NO CONTEST. SDL of course provides more, different, and better functionality than GLUT.
Knowing that SDL wraps DX (and Win32 tends to be our base development platform), I in the past have written a wrapper for something, and then plugged things in at a later date for the other platforms (SDL, FMOD, etc) where I felt one was better than the other. This gave me the choice to change out implementations, instead of having SDL calls all over. Of course some-times wrapping an API is way too tough (OpenGL wrapping for instance, though typically you can just do this by limiting OpenGL calls to certain methods DrawOpenGL and have others, DrawDirectX, etc).
As far as API's go...if you're an experienced developer, you can figure any one of them out. DX, OpenGL, SDL, etc...all have different +'s and -'s. The point is if you can use the "right" one for your solution, then you're ahead of the pack, but you must know that not every situation is the same, and sometimes your favorite API isn't going to be quite right, so you'd better be able to pick another one and survive.
And seriously people...lighten the f up.
- sighuh?
[edited by - redragon on April 23, 2003 4:26:52 PM]
Lighten up a bit.
SDL versus GLUT - NO CONTEST. SDL of course provides more, different, and better functionality than GLUT.
Knowing that SDL wraps DX (and Win32 tends to be our base development platform), I in the past have written a wrapper for something, and then plugged things in at a later date for the other platforms (SDL, FMOD, etc) where I felt one was better than the other. This gave me the choice to change out implementations, instead of having SDL calls all over. Of course some-times wrapping an API is way too tough (OpenGL wrapping for instance, though typically you can just do this by limiting OpenGL calls to certain methods DrawOpenGL and have others, DrawDirectX, etc).
As far as API's go...if you're an experienced developer, you can figure any one of them out. DX, OpenGL, SDL, etc...all have different +'s and -'s. The point is if you can use the "right" one for your solution, then you're ahead of the pack, but you must know that not every situation is the same, and sometimes your favorite API isn't going to be quite right, so you'd better be able to pick another one and survive.
And seriously people...lighten the f up.
- sighuh?
[edited by - redragon on April 23, 2003 4:26:52 PM]
- sighuh?
Original post by neurokaotix
I definitly agree with neurokaotix.
James Simmons
MindEngine Development
- sighuh?
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