
Nautilus troubles

Started by April 19, 2003 06:38 PM
2 comments, last by tuxx 21 years, 4 months ago
In my new Slackware 9.0 desktop, whenever I run GNOME, the background doesn''t show up (the background stays to the XFree86 black and white crosshatch, even when I change the background). Also, I can''t open Nautilus. Since Nautilus controls my background, and it won''t open, obviously something is wrong with it. When I enter nautilus at the GNOME terminal, I get the following error:

$ nautilus
nautilus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Now a Google search has told me that this is a component of the CDDA library. Why would Nautilus need that? Should I download and place it somewhere, like /usr/lib? Thanks.
Slackware 9 for some reason doesn''t include a lot of stuff that it SHOULD. In other words, it sucks. If you''re going to use Slackware, I suggest downgrading to 8.1, and using the Dropline-GNOME installer to get GTK-2, GNOME2, etc.

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Just install the cdparanoia package (cdparanoia-IIIalpha9.8-i386-1.tgz) from the "ap" group and it should work. (provided you don''t need other things)
I use slack 9.0 and I like it. I''ve used 8.1 too but 9.0 seems to be faster. I know the main distro doesn''t have many applications included. But I like to start from a bare commandline system and build everything from the grounds up. (and thus avoiding stuff I don''t need) Well, it''s just pesonal preference, isn''t it?

Click NOW!
Yes, it is.

I also agree that 9.0 is faster. But this is too big of a sacrifice when it means I have to manually download about 20 libraries just to get ONE program working. And that''s not even counting the countless other things that I use on a regular basis that aren''t included in 9.0.

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