
Ever experimented with distorting the reflection a bit?

Started by April 15, 2003 10:15 PM
0 comments, last by DalTXColtsFan 21 years, 10 months ago
Just curious - it looks cool and all to have a perfect reflection of someone walking across a bright marble floor, or a car reflecting off a glass building as it drives by, but I was thinking it would be a wee bit more realistic if the reflection were "distorted" just a bit, maybe warbled a little - anyone experimented with any algorithms to do that? I certainly can''t think of any that I would call easy!
I have in the past, yes, for water..
what I did was pretty simple, but it worked fairly well...

I was projecting a reflection texture onto the surface of water (in this case a simple mesh of quads).. it was generating the texture coords for the S T and R coords... so.. what I simply did, was apply a differnt sine pattern to the Q coords of each vertex. These had to be scaled back depedning on how close you were to each axis, but it worked surprisingly well. And was realitivly fast.

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