Milkshape/OpenGL skeletal animation Question
I'll just give a quick explaination of what I'm trying to do first. I've made my own sensor glove which picks up the movements of your fingers and I use OpenGL to display the hand onscreen and any movements being made. I've used quads to make to make up the hand so needless to say it doesn't look great, but it works.
I was wondering, instead of using frames with a Milkshape model to run in an animation loop, could I just feed the angles directly to the model myself as I get them(from the glove) and use this to move the bones/model.
Anyone know if this will work? I've looked at a few tutorials(Brett Porter's mainly) but they all use frames.
Any comments welcome, even if it's to say it won't work.
[edited by - J-the-Bear on April 15, 2003 8:57:10 PM]
"If all else fails, lower your standards."
Sounds pretty good, but the problem with angles is that they don''t work to well in 3d outside a plane. If you can display the model with quads correctly, then there should be no problem using them as bones for a higher quality model. You might have to improvise a bit to get it working, but it seems very possible.
all you''d be needing to do is convert each angle into a rotation matrix.. which if you already have a quad-hand working, I don''t really see this as being too much of a problem... (then just override the models animation code with the new matrices)
it would require quite a bit of hacking about, but it should work.
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it would require quite a bit of hacking about, but it should work.
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Sorry, Im not posting to help you (I have no idea, Im still trying to link keyboard/mouse input to a camera in my 3d world
). However I cant resist asking this... How did you make your own sensor glove! Sounds pretty cool! If your willing to share, i dont need the exact details as i dont really intend on making one myself, but im just interested in knowing what kind of materials you used to create it. Does it only detect finger movements, or does it also detect hand rotations and movements? Good luck in your creations!

Thanks for the advice xiros and RipTorn. Guess I''ll have to brush up on my matrices, I was just using rotatef() with the angle for the quads. I have a good link to a matrix site so I''ll check that out.
To override the models animation code I''m thinking of just setting the current frame for each joint to zero(first frame) and putting my own angles in for each joint instead of the animation angles. It''ll probably require alot more messing around but I''ll try it out anyway.
No problem IllMind. I used 8 flex sensors that I bought from which I attached to a tight fitting and cheap glove. I built a small circuit with a multiplexer to handle the signals which I fed into an 8051 microcontroller. This changed the signals from analog to digital and transmitted them to the serial port of the PC. All programming from there in. There are probably better ways of doing it but I just ended up doing it this way. As long as it works I''m happy enough.
Thanks again for the advice. Like the look of your engine RipTorn, very cool.
To override the models animation code I''m thinking of just setting the current frame for each joint to zero(first frame) and putting my own angles in for each joint instead of the animation angles. It''ll probably require alot more messing around but I''ll try it out anyway.
No problem IllMind. I used 8 flex sensors that I bought from which I attached to a tight fitting and cheap glove. I built a small circuit with a multiplexer to handle the signals which I fed into an 8051 microcontroller. This changed the signals from analog to digital and transmitted them to the serial port of the PC. All programming from there in. There are probably better ways of doing it but I just ended up doing it this way. As long as it works I''m happy enough.
Thanks again for the advice. Like the look of your engine RipTorn, very cool.
"If all else fails, lower your standards."
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