quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Ok. . .I missed out on something here??? When I was twelve I did *some* programming (a cheesehead Space Invaders clone in Basic), which is about as far as I got before my teens, which were for the most part spent being an idiot. Then, at eighteen I decided that professional pot smoker is probably not a primo career choice and decided to program. My point is: Does everyone in the world know DirectX at age sixteen? If I can''t do object classes in C without a book at twenty, should I hang the whole thing up and stick to knitting? What''s the deal here?
/*Did you ever consider blaming your bad memory on pot? It is clinically proven to cause memory loss. */
I''m 13 and I know DirectX, Winapi, C++, MFC, VB, QBASIC, and some java. I found it quite easy. But that might just be thatI think rather like the computer does (I need very precise instructions for thigs I do and I take things very litterally, according to other people). I have a lot of free time and money (don''t socialise, don''t listen to music, watch very little television). However, don''t give up. You''ll make it.