
IntelliSense in MSVC 6.0

Started by May 30, 2000 10:10 PM
4 comments, last by NuffSaid 24 years, 7 months ago
Somehow IntelliSense doesn''t work with some structyres and classes in MSVC. It does list the member variables for structures in WNDCLASS & DDSURFACEDESC but it failes to list members of TCITEM or DDSURFACEDESC2. When I create an LPDIRECTDRAW object called lpdd, accessing the member functions brings up a list of all methods that the object has. However, when I change the object to a LPDIRECTDRAW7 object, Intellisense doesn''t work anymore. Can someone tell me how to get Intellisense to work with every structure/class? Thanks in advance. ======================================================== If something sounds stupid but works, it's not stupid
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Look at your compiler''s settings and make sure the DirectX include directory is listed before the default include directory. It looks like the default Visual C++ include directory contains an old version of ddraw.h, so you need to make sure the compiler looks in the DX7 include directory before looking in the default include directory. You should do the same for the DX7 libraries directory.
Create a new folder under headers, "DirectX" and add the DirectX include files to it.
I''ve learned that if you add a file to your project with struct, class, and function definitions or prototypes in it, IntelliSense will begin to work with those structs, classes and functions, even if you then remove them from your project. So, you could probably just add the DirectX headers to your project and then take them out again, and that should *probably* fix it.

The amazing thing about Microsoft is that they''ve managed to program stuff that works *sometimes*. That''s incredible. Most of the time the stuff I make either works always, or doesn''t work at all. How do they do it?
Lets see now, yep, the default directory is below the DirectX header directory. The same goes for the libs directory. That still doesn''t work.
So what I''ve done is copy all the libs and headers from the mssdk folder and placed them in the VC header and libs folder, respectively. It still doesn''t work well.

I really just don''t get it. TCITEM is a tabcontrol item, which is defined in commctrl.h. Yet, when I use it, intellisense just won''t work. The same goes for TVINSERTSTRUCT, PROPSHEETHEADER, TVITEM and a whole lost more. It''s really frustrating that Intellisense works on structs that I know by hard and not work on structs that I don''t know by hard.

mhkrause :- If I do that, I''ll have to include my headers something like this
#include Directx\ddraw.h
The program compiles fine, but no IntelliSense.

If something sounds stupid but works, it's not stupid
==========================================In a team, you either lead, follow or GET OUT OF THE WAY.
got the stupid thing to work. Yeeha. I don''t know why but you have to include the header files in your project. What a stupid design!!. Anyway, thanks Qoy. I included the ddraw.h header with the project, and wham. IntelliSense now works. I think MSVC is really messed up . But who cares, I''ve got IntelliSense to work
Thanks all.

If something sounds stupid but works, it's not stupid
==========================================In a team, you either lead, follow or GET OUT OF THE WAY.

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