
ATI sucks

Started by April 10, 2003 05:34 PM
20 comments, last by sinistrx 21 years, 10 months ago
Nehe wrote in the news: Tronster had contacted ATI about a prize for the next contest. The emails were great at first. Once they realized we were hoping to get a video card, they flat out said "NO"... Of course they worded it more like "We are very sorry we can not help you". Funny considering the site is all about graphics, and they are big enough to give out a handful of cards (let alone one). So back to square one. Huge thanks to Tronster for actually making an effort to contact someone on my behalf! Everyone should band together and give ATI a piece of our minds, Nehe's site is THE definitive OpenGL tutorial site and generates a lot of interest in the coding community in OpenGL which in turn helps out ATI in the long run. They can afford to leak out one card for a contest they owe it to the developers. [edited by - sinistrx on April 10, 2003 6:34:55 PM]
you should get nvidia to do it instead, and then email ATI and say, "oh well never mind we got nvidia to do it". lol


[edited by - yodaman on April 10, 2003 7:08:25 PM]
put yourself in Atis shoes... they get a random email asking for free video cards (effectivly).. what would you do... Especially since it isn''t actually comming from the contest orginizer...

Nvidia may be a different story since they, effectivly, have money to burn, but I''d still not expect much. What your asking for is a few thousand dollars worth of technology for what? what is being offered in return?

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Yea, its a shame, but you can''t blame them. They are a big company and must recieve emails like that alot. Most likely in the beginning they would of taken it seriously (websites getting support for contests), but after getting contacted a lot by new little websites wanting to get supported they probibly dont even look into that anymore.

MSN Messenger:
We need two things: An endoursement - like and, and something to offer - which is really nehe''s domain.

The basic idea behind sponsorship is trading free advertising space for merchandise. That said, our appeal would be that much more effective if we had a larger audience - specifically non-programmers. Im sure there are tons of non-programmers who dont know that we exist but would enjoy our demos just the same (if not better than us because they dont know how its done - sort of like magic).

Any ideas on how we increase our audience?
Well, it would have been nice to have a screen card from ATI, but I don''t think we should be throwing bad words in their face just because of that!

If anyone has a website they could link to NeHe, and probably more people would visit...
ATi can not support an OpenGL site. They've never heard of OpenGL.
< /ironic >

[edited by - vincoof on April 11, 2003 1:29:10 PM]
And yet they make the FireGL product line of video cards?
...dont forget the nifty OpenGl demos...
I think ATi would have got a very nice promotional move in putting here some video cards. Say that they give us 5 RD350. Everyone here would reconsider the idea of getting a nv. I think the income would have been much greater than the expense.

Don''t know ATi''s approach with the GL. Their GL specs looks really bad (poor imagination) so I always print hardcopies from nv spec, which looks much better. However, they did good job with ARB_fp and I feel they will play on GL much more in the future. I really don''t like the interface they designed for ATI_fp (or whatever it was called)!

Previously "Krohm"

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