
Good AI websites?

Started by April 08, 2003 01:44 AM
9 comments, last by DrjonesDW3d 21 years, 10 months ago
Anyone know of a good online community dealing with AI or Machine Learning? I am very into those topics but this forum is about as much community as i''ve been able to find. There are online communities for every other topic immaginable online (ie hondas, gardening, auto detailing, game development....) There has to be something with AI or ML. If not I think I might have to start the online community dedicated to those concepts.
This is the most active AI forum. There are others though.
I figured this was one of the more active. I don''t think it''s because there aren''t that many people interested in the subject, but more because right now it isn''t as popular as graphics or general programming.

That brings up the next question.... do you think there would be a large enough backing to justify an AI oriented site. Like one of those forum sites you commonly see for car related sites. Do you guys think a forum with diferent sections for machine learning, and reinforcement learning and all that be enough to get a community backing?

I''ve been debating if i should start up a forum like that. Just to start making a good resource for people interested in begining-intermediate level AI. I''m not sure if it would have the community it would need to be effective though.
"That brings up the next question.... do you think there would be a large enough backing to justify an AI oriented site. Like one of those forum sites you commonly see for car related sites. Do you guys think a forum with diferent sections for machine learning, and reinforcement learning and all that be enough to get a community backing?"

Nope. The ai-depot already has that sort of forum anyway. looks like it has a lot of info. It is a rather specialized area, I kind of figured there wouldn''t be too much of a ''community.'' At least not yet, maybe in 5 years or so. It kind of sucks though because I am really interested in the subject. I''ve learned so much from other forums that it would be an incridable resource to have something like that for AI. I''m kind of in the point right now where i''m not a beginer, but i''m not ready to start writing technical papers either. It seems like just about everything out there is focused on those two groups. Where do us intermediate level AI guys go?
Here... and there ;0)

I really don''t see what you find lacking in the groups that are available.
I think the bigest thing is i''m addicted to the internet. I''m used to forums that i can visit 4x a day and always have 15 minutes of new posts to read through. However, a little bit is better than none.

I think I''ll start hanging out at the ai-depot some more, at least the level of discussion there seems to be at a slightly higher level. As for getting from here to there, I talked some with one of my professors today and he gave me some good advice. Even though there aren''t too many resources (books and whatnot) for this area like there are in others (ie graphics) there is enough to be sucessfull. It''s also about expiramenting on your own and working on your own projects as a way of learning.
Original post by DrjonesDW3d
I think the bigest thing is i'm addicted to the internet. I'm used to forums that i can visit 4x a day and always have 15 minutes of new posts to read through. However, a little bit is better than none.

Unfortunately, the computer game AI community just isn't very big in general, when compared to the computer game development community overall, or even the computer game graphics and design (what most people seem to be interested in) communitites.

There is the newsgroup on usenet, but its traffic level is still below gamedev's AI forum. I moderate the AI forum and it averages one message per week (if that). I fully agree with fup , that this is the best place on the web for computer game AI development discussion. Especially with guys as bright as fup , Timkin , Terran Fury and MikeD (and I am sure I missing some others who are just as bright ) to answer questions.

Of course, if you want to increase discussion here, then just start a thread. I'm sure if you select an interesting topic, then a lot of people will join in.


[edited by - Geta on April 9, 2003 11:44:08 AM]
I don''t see why it''s not so popular. I mean who here has looked into AI and not thought "man this is some of the coolest stuff you can do with code?"
Different strokes for different folks, I guess. But I agree with you, AI is definitely where my head and heart lay.

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