What do you think about SDL/GTK+/etc...
I wouldn''t say that GTK+ should really be in that list, although I think it has an OpenGL widget.
I use SDL, simply because it is cross-platform, easy to use, suits my style of coding and it is still in active development.
I use SDL, simply because it is cross-platform, easy to use, suits my style of coding and it is still in active development.
GTK+ has OGL widgets but so does QT. Really if your using any of those its probly because your making an APP like an editor or just something that needs a nice GL thing in the coner. GTK+ and QT both have there own OpenGL things so you cannt use SDL or GLUT(at least to my knowlage) SDL is good for cross platform games because it has most of the stuff a game needs(sound timers ect) GLUT is also good for cross platform I use for building my engine since it does seem to be simpilar but it lacks all the nice sound timers ect SDL has.
--------------------------Nukemmsn: nukem996@hotmail.comaim: nukem996open source open mind
I use sdl for game stuff, and Fast Light Toolkit for GUI (tools etc) stuff. It has and OpenGL window widget same as other GUI libs (mfc, gtk etc) BUT with FLTK you can put OpenGL code in any widget''s drawing function, so it''s fairly simple to make any widget textured and lit, for example. This means it''s easy to derive your own widgets that draw OpenGL stuff, and so you have much more flexability in how you can present your data.
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