
Simple Window Problem

Started by May 27, 2000 01:49 PM
2 comments, last by ranxact 24 years, 9 months ago
Hey guys.. i was just noticing that all of my windows programs are alwas on top.. i.e. when they lose focus, by clicking on another window, they don''t go behind it... they stay on top unles minimized... how do i fix this... is there another message i need to process? or is it something i need in the WM_PAINT handler..... ?? ThanX, RanXacT
when you''re making the window, don''t pass WS_STAYONTOP (i think that''s the correct one) as the window state.
usually, i only use WS_POPUP. no need for other states (cuz my window has to go fullscreen anyway)

- pouya
When I die, I want to go like my grandfather did, peacefully in his sleep. Not yelling and screaming like all the passengers in his car.
If you''re using DirectDraw, you might need to set up a clipper. |

Ahh... I was looking everywhere else.... except there... Thanx a bunch......


(i must be retarded)

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