
Python too advanced?

Started by March 20, 2003 03:31 PM
22 comments, last by OctDev 21 years, 10 months ago
Developing your own high-quality scripting language an tools is a lot of work that does not add direct value to the game. The best you could possibly hope for is Python-scale scripting.

Modifying existing scripts is far easier than making new ones. If you provide a number of examples that the artists can copy and tweak, they shouldn''t have so much difficulty. If they want to do something complicated, they should probably consult a programmer any way.

VC7 does support template specialization, it''s partial template specialization that it doesn''t handle. I thought the spirit team was going to write the boost version so that it worked on both MSVC and Forte (which means no partial).
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
Original post by Extrarius
Spirit is an awesome library, but it depends on partial template specialization which VC7- don't support =-(

Spirit has been tested to compile and run properly on various compilers:

edit: ah, never mind.. It also said "Some features that rely on PTS therefore does not compile on MSVC 6 and 7. This include Closures, Lambda expressions as semantic actions"

[edited by - civguy on March 22, 2003 3:27:49 AM]
I think the choice of what scripting language, depend a lot of how much of the game logic will be handled by the scripting language.
For my purpose i just need a scripting language that can act as simple code for setting up spells(1-2 lines of code), handle trigger effects, applying spell effects( like setHP(target, 10); ) etc. Thus each script wont be doing much more than comparing a few variables of the game objects and adjusting a few itself, perhaps setting a quest variable etc.(its an RPG).

Most scripting are way too general and much too powerful for this, thats why i finally decided on making my own, very small and very limited scripting language(im currently following a class in programming languages and compilers, where we use SML to write the compiler, cutting down alot on the amount of code needed).
I just wanted to say 2 more things ...

1) I agree with magmar that with proper example programs, and direction, it should be fairly easy for someone to learn just enough to edit the behaviors embodied in existing scripts (adding new, more complex and innovative behavior is a little less simple - when you don''t know anything about the language except the samples you are given)

2) Python is a great scripting language, my second favorite ... but it is NOT easy for non-programmer''s. I have written special scripts in PERL, Python, and Ruby for non-programmer use ... and not a single one of them understood the basics of the script layout rules, nor could they have possibly understood what any run-time error message meant (the ones generated by the language, not my user oriented messages). An Artist is just NOT going to track the internal types of variables well enough to understand that what was a number a few seconds ago, is now a list, or string, and therefore will exibit totally different behavior ... invisibly. Non-programmers are used to HTML markup, Excel Spreadsheets, INI files, and simple Visual Basic Style GUI property editors ... where every single line / item is supposed to be a particular TYPE of thing ... and they follow simple rules to make sure they keep it that way .. and it doesn''t drive them nuts ...

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