got a problem with sending corrds though winsock, i get a mixture of the strings from the other clients that send data here is my code:
Private Sub wsClient_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim sckDataRecived As String, Cmd As String
sckDataRecived = ""
wsClient.GetData sckDataRecived
If sckDataRecived = "dat" Then
wsClient.SendData "(usn)" & frmConnect.txtUser.Text
Exit Sub
End If
With Cameras.Camera_GetPosition
cX = .x
cY = .y
cZ = .z
End With
Dim CurrPos
Cmd = Trim$(Mid$(sckDataRecived, 2, 3))
Select Case Cmd
Case "usn"
UserName = Trim$(Mid$(sckDataRecived, 6, Len(sckDataRecived)))
lstUsers.AddItem UserName
sckDataRecived = ""
Case "XXX"
TTick = CInt(Len(sckDataRecived))
TTick = TTick - 5
CurrPos = Trim$(Mid$(sckDataRecived, 6, TTick))
MeshBuilder2.Class_SetPointer "person"
MeshBuilder2.Mesh_SetPosition Helper.R3DVector3D(CurrPos, cY, cZ)
sckDataRecived = ""
Case "YYY"
TTick = CInt(Len(sckDataRecived))
TTick = TTick - 5
CurrPos = Trim$(Mid$(sckDataRecived, 6, TTick))
MeshBuilder2.Class_SetPointer "person"
MeshBuilder2.Mesh_SetPosition Helper.R3DVector3D(cX, CurrPos, cZ)
sckDataRecived = ""
Case "ZZZ"
TTick = CInt(Len(sckDataRecived))
TTick = TTick - 5
CurrPos = Trim$(Mid$(sckDataRecived, 6, TTick))
MeshBuilder2.Class_SetPointer "person"
MeshBuilder2.Mesh_SetPosition Helper.R3DVector3D(cX, cY, CurrPos)
sckDataRecived = ""
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub wsServer_ConnectionRequest(Index As Integer, ByVal requestID As Long)
SocketCount = SocketCount + 1
Load wsServer(SocketCount)
wsServer(SocketCount).Accept requestID
wsServer(SocketCount).SendData "dat"
End Sub
Private Sub wsServer_DataArrival(Index As Integer, ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim strRecivedData As String
Dim SocketCheck As Integer
Dim FixPre As String
Dim UserName As String
Dim tttick As Single
strRecivedData = ""
wsServer(Index).GetData strRecivedData
FixPre = Trim$(Mid$(strRecivedData, 2, 3))
Select Case FixPre
Case "usn"
UserName = Trim$(Mid$(strRecivedData, 6, Len(strRecivedData)))
lstUsers.AddItem UserName
For SocketCheck = 0 To SocketCount Step 1
If wsServer(SocketCheck).State = sckConnected Then
wsServer(SocketCheck).SendData strRecivedData
End If
Next SocketCheck
strRecivedData = ""
Exit Sub
End Select
For SocketCheck = 0 To SocketCount Step 1
If wsServer(SocketCheck).State = sckConnected Then
wsServer(SocketCheck).SendData strRecivedData
End If
Next SocketCheck
strRecivedData = ""
End Sub