
Difference in GLUT and WIN32 API Versions for Tutorial #5

Started by March 18, 2003 03:13 AM
-1 comments, last by inrecovery 21 years, 11 months ago
Hi There! I was referring to NeHe''s WIN32 API Tutorials earlier, but I found them a bit difficult right in the beginning, hence, shifted to using GLUT.But I noticed a huge difference in Tutorial 5. The quadilateral when rendered using GLUT is NOT the same! I am wondering why? The same vertices, same fact the code for drawing in both is the same ...except that the GLUT version uses glPushMatrix() and glPopMatrix()! In the GLUT Version, the front and back faces take the same color as do the top and bottom.Only the left and right faces seem to have the same color as set!Orange and Green are never visible.This gives the spinning quad a very funny appearance. I am wondering why that is. Perhaps I am missing something that causes this.Please point that out.

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