I''ve just managed to get me internet access for 10 pounds a month, with phone calls inclusive, which means I can afford to clog up gameDev with more pointless posts like this one http://www.geocities.com/ben32768
Did you register with NTL, I changed to them a couple of weeks ago as well. If you have registered with them do you know what happens if you dont spend £10 on non-internet phone calls?
"I have realised that maths can explain everything. How it can is unimportant, I want to know why." -Me
quote:Original post by benjamin bunny ...which means I can afford to clog up gameDev with more pointless posts like this one ... http://www.geocities.com/ben32768
That''s such a bad idea right now to even joke like that, but what can you do?
I surf the net at college, where the internet access is fast and free! (Don''t know how fast, just fast)
A friend of mine is going to Cambridge Uni. next year, where the halls of accommodation have a direct link to an ISP, totally for free.
I really can''t stand waiting for a page to load, thats just silly.
"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"
George. F"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"