
Check out my landscape engine!

Started by March 14, 2003 05:00 PM
10 comments, last by BradDaBug 21 years, 10 months ago This kind of a "thanks for all your help" post as well as a "check it out!" post. I'm putting it here cause I can't get it to work in Windows, but hey! Who needs those yuppies, anyhow! I'm open for suggestions, comments, complements, insults, flames, money, whatever. EDIT: Wups, I forgot the "thanks for all your help" part. Thanks for all your help! I think most of the people that helped me out hang around in this forum, but folks here and also in the OpenGL and Graphics Programming & Theory forums. [edited by - BradDaBug on March 14, 2003 6:04:25 PM]
I like the DARK layout!
I can''t compile it. Can''t open project in Anjuta, because of many cannot open /home/braddabug errors.

Also I try to ./configure, but then making it makes many errors.

But could you give binary file to try?

Wups! Sorry about that. I think it should work now. I used the Build Distribution thingy in Anjuta this time. I also included a binary.

BTW, this version of the code is a little bit different than the one I released yesturday. You''re probably going to need OpenAL installed, but since it doesn''t work yet anyways you could just chop that part out I guess. I oughta use CVS from now on and start branching it, I suppose.
I like the DARK layout!
The binary works, I think, after installing libphysfs.
About 100-140fps avg. (Athlon 1GHz, Geforce2 MX440)

When the app starts, I see only white screen with some text on top. Then I noticed a can move up/down and sideways with arrowkeys, and roll with mouse. But how can I raise camera, to look horizontally the landscape.

Here's a screenshot, it looks flat all the time.
Another, from higher.

[edited by - stefu on March 16, 2003 3:40:08 AM]
Huh, well nuts! I guess I got some stuff to fix.

Were their any error messages in the console when you ran it? Like "cannot open blah blah blah?"

the mouse should control yaw and pitch, and the arrow keys control position. What it''s doing for you sounds REALLY weird. I guess I oughta add that to my list of stuff to fix.
I like the DARK layout!
Hey, one error!

Unable to add search path /home/stefan/terrain! File not found

Maybe that's because it looks flat?

But here is all console output if this helps:

    Initializing engine...Initializing file system...        Using /home/stefan/ as user dir.        Using (null) as write dir.        Unable to add search path /home/stefan/terrain! File not found        Search paths:                /home/stefan/landscape/                /home/stefan/File system initialized!Engine initialized!Initializing graphics...        Setting video mode...        Video mode set!        Initializing OpenGL...        OpenGL Initialized.Loading OpenGL extensions...        Loading extension: Compiled Vertex Arrays        Extension successfully loaded.Graphics initialized.Loading mapfile map6.bmp...        Loading map! Width: 256 Height: 256Loading lightmap shadow_256.tga...Done.Map loaded.Exiting.    

[edited by - stefu on March 17, 2003 1:32:24 AM]
Nope, that error looks harmless. As long as you got the mapfiles and textures in one of those other search directories (as it seems you do) it should work fine.

Thanks for your help, anyways. I''ll try to get all that fixed soon, but I dunno if I will cause it''s back to school for me. Spring Break''s over. But wait! I do have a two hour "programming" lab today! Perhaps I can be sneaky and work on my landscape engine instead of my real work.
I like the DARK layout!

I just tested the package that's on my webpages, and its doing the same thing it was doing for Stefu! Now what would make it do that? I most continue my investigations...

UPDATE: It seems like it's messing up when you just click on the file, but works fine when you run it from the console! I thought that might be causing a problem with the working directory and loading the files, but that doesn't seem to be the problem, since the textures are obviously loaded fine!

ANOTHER UPDATE: This is kind of my unofficial diagnosis, but I think it has to do with whether or not the mouse is over the window when it pops up. If the mouse is over the window when the game pops up, everything's ducky. But if the mouse isn't over it, and you move it over the window, then the input goes WOAH! and goes all nutty. And I also think what stefu was seeing as a perfectly flat landscape was actually the bottom of the landscape, which is flat for some reason.

[edited by - BradDaBug on March 17, 2003 11:02:45 PM]
I like the DARK layout!
Alrighty! I THINK I have fixed the bug! I''m not sure if what I did was clever or a hack, but basically I''m grabbing the mouse and throwing out the very first event list thingy so that the first mouse deltas are thrown out. It makes more since if you see the code, I guess. But try it now, if you like (and I know you do!).
I like the DARK layout!
It works great now!
Averagely 50-80fps


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