
Great news for everyone...

Started by March 13, 2003 12:41 AM
10 comments, last by titan2782 21 years, 11 months ago
Well, maybe not everyone in particlular, but for those of you who are serious about independant game development. Reading through articles in about 10 different game mags while waiting for my g/f in Wal-MArt tonight, I have gathered that the current game market for PC is down 5%. The current games, at least 90% of them, get less than 3 out of 5 star ratings and horrible (hilarious thought) reviews. The ones who get 4 are only getting it because they have big names. More than that, more people are starting to take interest in independant game developers rather than large corporations and more and more room is becoming available on the shelf for independant games. This means that if you can get your title out there, you have a great chance at making a mark in the game world. Oh, and dont worry about using the latest pixel shaders and long shader programs because if you look at the review of Unreal 2, you will notice amazing graphics, but it still got bad reviews. Game play is THE most important item on the list of developing a game. If a game is not fun, no one will play it. Look at Half-Life, I love that game and it does not necissarily have the best graphics out there (maybe back in 98-99) but the gameplay keeps the game selling still today at $50 a pop. Do not worry about the consoles stealing your profits either. As they grow older, the PC market will pick up again, it''s a cycle My point is, if you are serious, then go for it, now is a great time, dont wait and miss your chance. Dustin Davis Owner / CEO Programmers Unlimited
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
The other reason why so much emphasis is placed on the hottest new graphics is that the graphics card technology is advancing, developers are using the new and best extentions and the hype of all of that will get the games to the shelves.

Unfortunately, publishes buy into this crap and often smaller companies and in-house development is shunned for a more commercially tested genre.

So while I''m wracking my brain for an innovative game design with fun gameplay, we see yet-another-football-management-game or quake VIII which is the same format as all the rest but using the latest graphical techniques. The latter sell simply because of the hype.

The magazines obviously see through this and ratings are based heavily on gameplay, yet the publishers are only just starting to listen. Why is this such a slow process?
I like pie! - weebl.
Oneiric - Another graphics engine in the works.
I''ll quote myself: "What is with games today... they... suck?"

It seems game devs have forgotten how to make a game fun and worth playing. Now they try to do 10 different things with their game and fail at all of them. There have been so many games I anticipated only to find out they get poor reviews and have less than interesting gameplay, or don''t live up to their predicessor. A small list of such games includes UT2, Unreal2, Master of Orion 3, and I''m beginning to worry that Deus Ex 2 may soon join that list.

Come on developers! Don''t let us down with anymore less than great games!
The videogame industry is just starting to experience what happens to cinema as well as other hobbies like music : the money rules everything, and publishing a ''title'' (be it a tune, a movie or a game) is not a matter of consumer feedback, it is a matter of product selling.
In other words, publishers don''t care if the players like the game, they care if they buy it.

Fortunately, just like cinema and music, they are small groups of fans that try to keep the original spirit, but when they come to get money from their titles, they finally grow at a point where they also work for the money and not the fun. That is sad, but the fact is that it becomes very rare today that a game is both "big" and "fun".
Read this, now...
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
Man i wish so bad that I could have gone to GDC. I was going to get a ticket but I wouldnt have had the time since I manage the IT department and I work 6 days a week

Though the card companies are advancing their technologies, Game developers are no where near close to utilizing any of its power. Like DX8, still to this day, there are very few games utilizing DX8. Same will be with DX9 is what is anticipated. Too much technology and no one using it. So dont hold your breath. The latest thing I have heard/read is that Doom III will take full advantage of what it can get. Most people, in fact about 95% of PC gamers, even hardcore ones, will not be able to see Doom III in all of it''s glory with their current rigs. They will have to upgrade. "If you think your Radeon 9700 Pro will save you, then you better not hold your breath" -CPU Mag. This was shocking to me. 9700''s are bad ass! They even beat out nVidia''s new FX chipset.

Dustin Davis
Owner / CEO
Programmers Unlimited
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
Frankly, I''m sick and tired of seeing first person shootem'' ups. No offence to any of you making those kinds of games... No doubt it could be made fun again.

I''m personally focusing on developing a much simpler style of game that will focus more on strategy and game play. The graphics and models will be good, but not stunning.

I personally am working on a 1st person RPG. Liek a 1st person Diablo except I love Magic, so not too many weapons. They need more games like Half-Life.

Dustin Davis
Owner / CEO
Programmers Unlimited
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
Please correct me if I''m wrong but EPIC and ID make a majority of their profits on licencing their engines out to 3rd parties.

it seems like their strategy makes them more focused on the engine rather than good gameplay to sell a single game.

At the end of the day, they are still making a profit with not a care in the world (in regards to reviews).
You are correct, EPIC with their UT and Unreal engines and ID with their quake engine. So you hit the nail on the head, they are looking for smashing FX and FPS, not if the player will want to play it over and over and over again. Unreal 2 got a review of once oyu play 1/2 way you never want to play it again, you have had enough.

Dustin Davis
Owner / CEO
Programmers Unlimited
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers

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