Question about Nehe's money problems...
I was just wondering... How come a guy like Nehe with that much programming experience is always broke like somebody on welfare. A good programmer in Canada with a least 5 years of experience should earn at least 40k-60k (Canadian money). That should be enough to be comfortable or at least be able to keep the phone connected.
Nehe, maybe your boss is taking advantage of you. Ask him for a raise!
Nehe, I love what you do for us and I thank you but I think there is no reason for you to be broke like that all the time. There are good jobs out there for good programmers. Take a look!
I think, sadly, it''s a case of location. If you''re settled, you don''t want to move location, or job ''cos of the upheaval it creates.
It''s not an attractive proposition.
However, I agree, NeHe clearly has tallent.
It''s not an attractive proposition.
However, I agree, NeHe clearly has tallent.
I like pie! - weebl.
Oneiric - Another graphics engine in the works.
Oneiric - Another graphics engine in the works.
You said it yourself - its canadian money...jk
Is there some way our coding could help NeHe out with his money problems? Im sure there is enough stuff on the site to make a book. And we could add a chapter where a coder of a demo (and there are lots on NeHe''s site) went through and explained how everything was put together. Sort of a NeHe GL demo programming intro thing.

Is there some way our coding could help NeHe out with his money problems? Im sure there is enough stuff on the site to make a book. And we could add a chapter where a coder of a demo (and there are lots on NeHe''s site) went through and explained how everything was put together. Sort of a NeHe GL demo programming intro thing.
Originally posted by fizbanx:
I''ve discovered why it is that NeHe''s always talking about not having enough time: NeHe is Santa Clause
times change
Excuse my poor english!
I''ve discovered why it is that NeHe''s always talking about not having enough time: NeHe is Santa Clause

times change
Excuse my poor english!
PM Times change...
Excuse my poor english!
Original post by llvllatrix
You said it yourself - its canadian money...jk![]()
LMAO, too true.... (I''m Canadian, so I can laugh hehe)
But seriously, I recall a post by NeHe, something about using 1/4 tank (or was it 1/2...?) to and from work per day. I don''t know where he lives exactly, but I suspect that wherever it is, there isn''t a lot of choice wrt jobs. And gas here in Vancouver is up to 92 cents/litre, so I reckon he''s feeling it.
I think one of the main problems he has, with respect to his job, is that his programming skills are self taught. One of NeHe''s posts (way back when) said he interviewed for a different job and when he said he was self taught, the interviewers were less than enthused about hiring him. Candidates with degrees (even if it''s a Canadian one) are much more attractive to employers than those without. In regards to NeHe''s coding ability, I don''t think he''s that great. Sure all the source code is well commented, but that''s only half the battle (or less) when it comes to ''good'' programming. Feel free to respond, I wasn''t really looking to start an argument, but it looks like it came out that way.
K-1 Productions: Come visit us here.
K-1 Productions: Come visit us here.
---K-1 Productions: Come visit us here.
I agree, most companies do not want self taught people, they want a stupid peice of paper sayign that you know how to program. I can code better than 90% of those joe blows who come out of school with degree''s. I have 11 years of experience (i''m only 20yr old btw) and they have 0. I learn at my own pace which is way faster than any class can do. I knwo how hard it is. Luckily I found a local company who does not care about degree''s, only results. I make a very nice living. How many 20yr old people do you know making 37k / yr ? all from self taught skills. Books are the ultimate answer.
Dustin Davis
Owner / CEO
Programmers Unlimited
Dustin Davis
Owner / CEO
Programmers Unlimited
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
Original post by K-1
he interviewed for a different job and when he said he was self taught, the interviewers were less than enthused about hiring him.
I am self-taught myself and up to now, it turned out that I impressed the interviewers. Sometimes they like self-taught people because they know they can learn new stuff very fast and that they have to be good to have learned all this stuff by themselves.
Of course, without a degree, it''s hard to get a salary higher than 55k (CAN) but it is still a decent salary, like I said, enough to pay a phone line.
i dont know if there is a way to just pay a fee, get tested, and get that piece of paper sayin you can program, but if there is maybe we should donate money for NeHe to get that. this way it could be easier for him to get a job. another thing we could do is if someone lives near him and knows of an open job tell him. it would be up to NeHe though to give out where he lives. just an idea or two.
Yeah, I''m planning to get a few peices of paper before I enter the workforce. I can spend that time while I''m going through courses getting more experience in areas like OpenGL and DirectX too if I just keep doing what I''m doing now. You could be the best programmer in the world, but without any recognised qualifications or prior experience in industry, how are the interviewers suppost to know that?

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